Provincial and Territorial Government Web Sites

Family Justice

The Constitution gives federal, provincial and territorial governments specific powers for family law in Canada. The federal Divorce Act generally applies when parents are divorcing. Provincial and territorial laws apply when unmarried couples separate or when married couples separate but do not pursue a divorce.

Provincial governments are also responsible for making the rules about how to get a divorce in their jurisdiction. For example, they each have their own rules about forms, notice requirements and timelines. They are also responsible for administering family justice services and programs within their jurisdictions.

Support Enforcement

The federal government does not enforce support orders and agreements directly. However, it helps provincial and territorial Maintenance Enforcement Programs and supports creditors in a variety of ways.

Provincial and Territorial Maintenance Enforcement Programs

Interjurisdictional Support

All Canadian provinces and territories have reciprocity arrangements with each other and with certain other countries. These arrangements allow you to establish, vary or enforce a support order in a reciprocating province, territory or country.

Interjurisdictional and international enforcement

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