ensures that government deals with citizens fairly and lawfully.
Civil law:
a body of law that outlines rules on settling disputes between individuals.
Constitutional law:
body of law derived from the common law or a written constitution that defines the powers of the executive, legislature and judiciary and guides the duties and rights of citizens.
Criminal law:
a body of law that defines conduct prohibited by Parliament because it threatens or harms public safety and sets out punishments for those acts.
Governor in Council
the governor general acting on the advice of the prime minister and cabinet.
the branch of government that includes courts of law and judges; the courts of law and judges.
the type of case and the physical area over which the court has legal authority.
parties in a lawsuit.
the process of taking legal action.
Mixed law and fact:
An appeal court’s standard of review of a lower court's order where the appeal issues are divided between question(s) of fact and question(s) of law.
Security of tenure
prevents the arbitrary removal of judges.
a law passed by the legislative branch of a government.
an administrative body that has authority in a specific area.