HELP Toolkit: Identifying and Responding to Family Violence for Family Law Legal Advisers – Supplemental Material

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Tab #13: When Your Family Law Client Is Accused of Family Violence and There Are Concurrent Criminal Proceedings

This document provides practical information and suggestions on how to approach family law cases when your client is accused of committing family violence and is facing criminal charges. It is also recommended that you read Tab #16: When Your Family Law Client Is the Victim of Family Violence and There Are Concurrent Criminal Proceedings.

1. LawyersFootnote ix in the criminal court matter and the family court matter

2. Importance of release conditions

3. Seeking changes to release conditions

4. Release conditions related to non-attendance at certain places

5. Understanding the criminal proceedings before drafting the family court pleadings

6. Knowing what your client pled guilty to and what facts were acknowledged

7. Resolution of the criminal matter: Understanding how the criminal matter is resolved is critical for the family matter

Criminal court may make findings of fact that may be detrimental to your client in family court without convicting them of a criminal offence. It may be helpful to order transcripts to understand everything that was stated by the court.