Youth Justice Fund Projects - 2005-2006

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada:
Mentoring Aboriginal Youth who are in Trouble with the Law

Winnipeg, Manitoba and North Battleford, Saskatchewan
2006/01/09 – 2007/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes to provide funding to agencies in Winnipeg and North Battleford for implementation of programs developed to address the needs of predominantly urban Aboriginal youth who are in trouble with the law. This project sees volunteers mentoring youth in a community or site-based setting. The program builds on the learning and partnerships from the first phase of program development undertaken from November 2004 to March 2005.

Canadian Foundation for Children, Youth and the Law (Justice for Children and Youth):
Youth Rights Cards

Toronto, Ontario
2006/03/21 – 2006/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes the reprinting of a number of a series of youth-friendly plastic wallet-sized information cards dealing with topics such as youth records, extrajudicial measures, and the effects of outstanding warrants, etc. The project also supports the development and production a new youth justice card for youth that enables youth to deal effectively with police from a rights-based perspective.

Grassroots Youth Collaborative:
Forum for Youth to Share Their Voice on Violence

Toronto, Ontario
2006/01/30 – 2006/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes to host a forum to enable Toronto youth to share their views regarding violence in their neighbourhoods. As young people represent a key part of the communities impacted by violence, it is important that they have a chance to explain that impact and provide their unique insights into the problem and into the solutions. Youth and youth-led organizations have skills and experience that are critical to ensuring comprehensive steps are taken to addressing community violence.

Lillooet Learning Communities Society:
Training for Youth: Understanding the Youth Criminal Justice Act from a Rights-Based Perspective

Lillooet, British Columbia
2006/03/17 – 2007/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes to develop and implement a training program on the Youth Criminal Justice Act from a rights-based perspective for youth in the Lillooet area of British Columbia.

Public Legal Education Network of Alberta (PLENA):
Connecting the Dots 2006: The Fifth in PLENA's Series of Youth Justice Community Partnerships Forums

2006/02/01 – 2006/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes undertaking a two-pronged initiative to reach young people with information about their legal rights and obligations. The first prong sees PLENA organizing and hosting a train-the-trainer style forum for youth-serving intermediaries in Alberta, in order to create an Alberta-wide network of organizations equipped to provide just-in-time legal information to a variety of youth constituencies. The second prong is to organize an Alberta-wide educational program (a legal education through live theatre initiative), tied to curriculum, to target 12 to 17-year olds in schools and their parents. Under this agreement, PLENA develops a script on rights and obligations of young people in the criminal justice system to be used in the educational program, and accompanying and "take home" resources. PLENA also identifies and orients at least five prospective youth troupe producers/directors from various segments of the Alberta population such as First Nations/Aboriginal, French language, justice system experienced, rural/remote, urban, etc.

Public Legal Information Association of Newfoundland:
Youth Justice Projects for 2005/2006

Newfoundland and Labrador
2005/09/01 – 2006/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The Recipient proposes to update and reprint their youth justice publication, entitled "For the Record". The update includes new youth justice statistics and an expanded section on youth rights in the justice system. The Recipient also proposes making this updated version available in French and to distribute the new French-language version to francophone communities in Newfoundland and Labrador. The updated "For the Record" will be widely distributed throughout the province, including distribution to all Newfoundland and Labrador high schools and Canadian law teachers. As well, the Recipient proposes updating its YCJA/youth justice presentation to include a rights-based perspective and to deliver the presentation to various communities, with a special effort made to reach francophone and other hard-to-reach rural populations.