Youth Justice Fund Projects - 2013-2014

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba:
FASD Addiction Services Project

Winnipeg, Manitoba
2013/04/01 - 2016/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient is partnering with Manitoba Youth Corrections to develop and implement a three-year pilot project to provide addictions services specifically for youth in the justice system who have fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). The project will incorporate evidence and best practices regarding substance abuse prevention and treatment for youth with FASD. Trained counsellors will deliver the specialized program, which will include prevention, education, treatment, outreach, mentoring, and recreation and leisure opportunities for youth and their caregivers.

Batchewana First Nation of Ojibways:
North Shore First Nations Gang Training and Community Consultation

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
2013/04/01 - 2013/07/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will provide a comprehensive two-day training session on gangs to front-line workers, educators, community leaders and justice professionals who work with youth in conflict with the law who are in gangs or are at risk of becoming involved in gangs. On the third day, the recipient will conduct a consultation and community assessment to identify indicators of gang presence and the scope of the gang activity and to determine the feasibility of a North Shore Nations Coalition Against Gangs.

Mise à jour de l'Espace jeunesse du site Web

Montreal, Quebec
2013/04/01 - 2013/10/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient proposes to undertake activities to update or develop public legal education and information materials on the Youth Criminal Justice Act to reflect the changes related to provisions of the Safe Streets and Communities Act that came into effect on October 23, 2012.

Partners In Process Equine Learning Centre:
Making a Strong Connection Overcomes Temporary Solutions (MASCOTS)

Owen Sound, Ontario
2013/04/01 - 2016/03/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will implement and evaluate phase two of a drug treatment program for youth in conflict with the law. This project will build on the success of phase one and address issues identified in the evaluation as key components to the successful reintegration of youth back into their families and into the community. Youth will participate in a series of eight weekly equine-assisted therapy sessions, to learn and develop positive lifestyle strategies; some of these sessions will include family members. The program will also use peer mentors to support the youth and provide positive role models.

Le programme de Portage relatif à la dépendance à la drogue Inc.:
Impact Jeunesse

Montreal, Quebec
2013/04/02 - 2013/07/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will develop and prepare workshops on life skills and employment preparedness, and provide a personalized follow-up program, for adolescents with illicit substance abuse issues who are in conflict with the law.

Saskatchewan Association for the Betterment of Addiction Services (SABAS):
Substance Abuse Treatment Education (SATE)

Craven, Saskatchewan
2013/04/01 - 2013/07/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will develop two training modules and one train-the-trainer Substance Abuse Treatment Educational (SATE) program for front-line health and criminal justice professionals throughout Saskatchewan. Those trained will be able to deliver effective programming to youth who are using substances and involved in the criminal justice system and will become better educated as to current issues and treatment methods.

Second Chance Scholarship Foundation:
Piecing Together the Youth Gang Puzzle

Toronto, Ontario
2013/04/02 - 2013/07/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will conduct a community assessment to examine the nature and scope of youth gang issues and to identify gaps in programs or services offered to youth at risk and young offenders. The assessment will aim to increase awareness of the youth gang issue, increase support to youth based on the recommendations and create a committee comprising stakeholders from within the community.

The Side Door Ministries:
Breaking it Down

Yellowknife, North West Territories
2013/04/02 - 2013/06/30
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will conduct a community assessment by bringing together community stakeholders, including front-line workers and justice professionals, to examine current gang activity and efforts being made in the community to reduce or eliminate gang involvement in Yellowknife. Youth involved in the criminal justice system who are in gangs or are at risk of becoming involved in gangs will be brought together to contribute to the recommendations to prevent gang involvement.

Tricounty Addiction Services:
Finding Our Way: Rethinking How We Address Substance Use Issues Among Youth

Brockville, Ontario
2013/04/01 - 2013/07/31
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient proposes to develop training materials on screening for substance use and assessment and treatment strategies that will meet the needs of community partners who engage with youth who are involved in the justice system. The training materials will be developed by a team that will consist of an addictions clinical consultant, a youth justice consultant, a youth engagement and community development consultant and young people who have been involved with the youth justice system. The team will establish a network of community justice partners, affiliated community partners and youth. A review of best practices and other evidence-based materials will also be conducted. Community partners and youth will then assist in the design and testing of the training materials to ensure they meet community needs.

Youth Association for Academics Athletics and Character Education:
From the Margins: Building Curriculum for Youth in Transition

Toronto, Ontario
2013/04/02 - 2013/07/15
Total Youth Justice funding

The recipient will assess and evaluate current educational programming for youth involved in gangs who are participating in alternative schools programs while in custody, on probation and/or transitioning from custody. The project will include an assessment of current educational materials for this demographic group and hold focus groups with youth in custody and those in transition to better understand their educational needs. The evaluation will address future educational initiatives aimed at supporting these youth.