Family Violence Initiative
Law Enforcement
- Program name:
Domestic Violence Closing Form
- Organization:
Winnipeg Police Service
- Location:
Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Target Group:
Women and their families who have been a victim of domestic violence, perpetrators and partners involved in an intimate relationship with victim.
- Contact Name:
Det. Sgt. Arlene Kramble
- Phone:
- Email:
- Website:
Program Overview
- History:
The process began in 2008 and continues today. There have been changes to the process and it now focuses on the non criminal domestic violence situations.
Program Description
- Goals & Objectives:
To provide a more effective and efficient front line service to women and their families who are involved in a domestic conflict and reduce the amount of time that police personnel spend in dealing with domestic conflict situations.
- Traditional/Indigenous ways:
Members of the unit regularly participate in traditional healing ceremonies in order to create an awareness of the cultural backgrounds of the victims being served. Referrals, when requested, are made to Aboriginal agencies such as Ikwe and Wahbung (who offer healing and counselling based on traditional practices), as determined by client's preference.
- Components of program:
Calls for service are received by the Communications Center of the Winnipeg Police Service who then direct calls to front line police officers for response. Calls for information or non criminal cases are also directed to serving police personnel for follow-up. Immediate assistance is provided by police and victim services workers at the home and within 48 hours a follow-up call or visit is made to the client. Referrals may be made to crisis shelters or in home counselling.
- Services/How they work:
Services are provided on site at the facility but due to the nature of the program, the services affect the entire community served by the police units.
- Funding:
Funding provide by: The Winnipeg Police Service; Manitoba Justice.
Relationships and Stakeholders
- Involvement of Target Groups:
Target groups are involved through an ongoing non-threatening assessment by the social workers who follow-up with clients. There is no time limit placed on this follow up and it will continue as needed.
- Partners:
The Family Centre; The Senior Supervising Family Violence Crown Attorney of Manitoba Justice; Manitoba Probation Services; Manitoba Association of Women's Shelters; Family Violence Prevention Branch; Lauren Centre for Men Victims of Domestic Violence.
- Other relationships:
Osborne House; Ikwe Widdjiitiwin; Wahbung Abinoonjiag.
Details of Program Evaluation
- Evaluation:
No evaluation has been completed.
- Highlights of Evaluation Findings:
Program Outcomes
- Measures of Success:
Feedback from police members and victim services workers who have continuous and direct contact with the clients have indicated complete support for the process. The process has contributed to a reduction in number of cases going to Crown for review on criminal prosecution.
- Achievements:
Increasing of police efficiency with regard to investigation and call to service times. Greater public awareness of the service.
- Challenges:
Overcoming policies and attitudes regarding zero tolerance and acceptance of the process by members. Overcoming community mistrust of police and victim services workers.
Things to Know to Replicate
- Replication Advice:
The program is considered replicable. In order to succeed, there must be a level of trust between the Police Service and the Victim Services unit. There must be a willingness by the agencies to partner. Training will be needed for police personnel and victim services workers and most importantly, for community services agencies. Information sessions should be provided to schools, universities and other institutions and the community as a whole to increase awareness of the process.
- Resources:
Funding. Adequate staffing.
- Date modified: