Multi-Site Survey of Victims of Crime and Criminal Justice Professionals across Canada : Summary of Victim Services Providers and Victim Advocacy Group Respondents

Table 12: Have there been any unintended or unexpected consequences to the Criminal Code provisions intended to benefit victims?
  Victim Services (N=318) Crown Attorneys (N=188) Defence Counsel (N=185) Judiciary (N=110) Police (N=686) Advocacy Groups (N=47)
Delays criminal justice process -- 9% 11% 6% -- --
Unrealistic expectations on part of victims -- 9% 15% 16% -- --
Curtails Crown Attorney discretion -- 3% 17% 2% -- --
Erosion of accused rights -- - 10% -- -- --
Has achieved mainly political objectives -- - 9% -- -- --
Reduces judicial independence -- -- 7% -- -- --
Nothing or little has been accomplished 12% 12% 13% 11% 27% 15%
Don't know or No response 52% 28% 25% 23% 47% 35%