Multi-Site Survey of Victims of Crime and Criminal Justice Professionals across Canada: Summary of Crown Attorney Respondents

Appendix A: Interview Guides and Self-Administered Questionnaire for Survey of Crown Attorneys


The Department of Justice Canada has recently launched a multi-site study of victims of crime and criminal justice professionals. The main objectives of this study are:

The following questions address issues relating to the role of the victim and the Crown in the criminal justice system, victim services, and the implementation of recent reforms to assist victims of crime through the criminal justice process.

The role of the victim

The Crown's role

Victim services

For each of the above, who should provide victims of crime with this type of information?

Recent reforms relating to victims of crime

As you may know, a number of legislative changes at the federal level have been made relating to victims of crime and their participation in the criminal justice system (victim surcharge, victim impact statements, consideration of victim safety in bail decisions, assistance to victims testifying at trial, publication bans, etc.). The following questions address issues relating to the implementation of these provisions. Section 486 (2.3) of the Criminal Code states that, unless required by "the proper administration of justice" a self-represented accused cannot cross-examine a child witness (under 18 years of age). This section is applicable to proceedings where an accused is charged with a sexual offence, a sexual assault under sections 271, 272, and 273, or where violence against the victim is "alleged to have been used, threatened, or attempted."

Restorative justice

Restorative justice considers the wrong done to a person as well as the wrong done to the community. Restorative justice programs involve the victim(s) or a representative, the offender(s), and community representatives. The offender is required to accept responsibility for the crime and take steps to repair the harm he or she has caused.


Thank you for your participation