Federal Victim Surcharge in New Brunswick: An Operational Review

Appendix A

Operational Review: Federal Victim Surcharge in New Brunswick



The purpose of informed consent is to make sure that you understand the nature of the project and your involvement in it. This document provides you with information to help you decide if you wish to participate in the study.

Research Title

Federal Victim Surcharge: An Operational Review of New Brunswick Provincial Courts.

Research Personnel

The following people are involved in this project and may be contacted at any time:

Dr. Moira Law, Principal Researcher (506-849-2746) or Dr. Susan MacDonald, Senior Research Officer with Department of Justice Canada (613-957-9315).

Purpose of the Project

The general purpose of the project is an operational review of the imposition, implementation and enforcement of the federal victim surcharge in New Brunswick Provincial Courts. The survey will include an examination of the rate of imposition/waives of federal victim surcharge by the court and the documentation surrounding the federal victim surcharge and the rate of offender’s adherence to the imposed fine, as well as extenuating variables that influence the imposition or enforcement process. The Researchers will ask to meet with you for approximately an hour to answer questions about your experience with this process. Your participation would be greatly appreciated in helping us understand how the surcharge regime in New Brunswick presently operates, as well as giving directions for future amendments in it implementation.

Right to Withdraw

There are no rewards for participating in this project and you may withdraw at any time. This means you may refuse to answer any of the Researchers’ questions at any time. There is no penalty for you if you decide not to participate in the project, or to withdraw from the project at a later date.

Anonymity / Confidentiality

All research information gathered during the project will remain confidential. Absolutely no unique identifiers, e.g. name, position, or court that could reveal a participant’s identity will be reported. Results of this study will be presented by regions, not individual courts, thereby ensuring no individual’s opinions or practices could be identified. Access to any of the research information collected is restricted to the Main Researcher and the Research Assistant. All information collected during the project will be kept in a locked cabinet at the Main Researcher’s place of employment for approximately five years (March 31, 2011), after which it will be destroyed by shredding.


At the end of the project, a summary report will be available upon request by contacting the Principal Researcher at 506-849-2746, mlaw@unbsj.ca, or moiralaw@nbnet.nb.ca.


I have read the above description of the federal victim surcharge: An Operational Review in New Brunswick Provincial Court study. The purpose and method of the project have been explained to me and I understand the explanation. I have been given an opportunity to ask questions about the study and I am satisfied with the answers that I have been given.

I hereby consent to participate as a volunteer in the project. I also give my permission to the Researchers to make use of the information gathered in the study, including scholarly publications.

Please print your name and add your signature and the date. Thank you for your participation in this project.


  • Name:
  • Signature:
  • Date:


  • Name:
  • Signature:
  • Date:


Key Informant

  • Agency:
  • Position:
  • Date:
  • Interviewer:
2.1  Credentials and Experience
  • 2.1.1  Academic discipline
    • Law
    • Psychology
    • Social Work
    • Other
  • 2.1.2 Number of months with provincial courts
  • 2.1.3 Current work experience/position(s)
2.2 Federal victim surcharge: Information/Perceptions/Attitudes
2.3 Federal victim surcharge: Imposition
2.4 Federal victim surcharge: Collection / Enforcement
2.5 Federal victim surcharge: Implementation Issues
2.6 Other Concerns