Departmental Performance Report 2011-12
Supplementary Information Tables

User Fees Reporting

User fee
The Family Order and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (FOAEA)
Fee type
Fee-setting authority
Year last modified
March 1999
Performance standards
Performance results
Results are available in “External Fees” table
2011-12 ($ thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
7,300 7,012 3,092
Planning Years ($ thousands)
Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2012-13 7,000 2,653
2013-14 7,000 2,663
2014-15 7,000 2,674

Other Information
Revenues are calculated on an accrual accounting basis, while costs are calculated on an expenditure basis, making direct comparisons between the two figures difficult. On the basis of accrual accounting, the forecast and “actual” revenues are $7.012, however of this amount only $2.358M was collected and deposited into the consolidated revenue fund. As of March 31, 2012 there is an outstanding amount of $4.654M in uncollected program revenues for 2011-2012 which are reported as Accounts Receivables on the Department of Justice Financial Statements. In terms of future year anticipated costs, volume fluctuates from year to year, so the basis of the forecasts is a five year rolling average of the actual costs of delivering the FOAEA services.
User fee
The Central Divorce Proceedings
Fee type
Fee-setting authority
Central Divorce Proceedings Fee Order
Year last modified
May 1986
Performance standards
Performance results
Results are available in “External Fees” table
2011-12 ($ thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
738 642 903
Planning Years ($ thousands)
Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2012-13 738 903
2013-14 738 903
2014-15 738 903
User fee
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)
Fee type
Other product and services
Fee-setting authority
Access to Information Act (ATIA)
Year last modified
Performance standards
Performance results
Results are available in “External Fees” table
2011-12 ($ thousands)
Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
3 2 2,117
Planning Years ($ thousands)
Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
2012-13 2 2,147
2013-14 2 2,179
2014-15 2 2,213

Other Information
Full cost reflects the cost of the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office in Justice. The role of the ATIP Office is to respond to all formal requests that are made to the Department of Justice, in accordance with the Access to Information Act. As other central agencies, the Department of Justice ATIP Office has an expanded role; in addition to processing requests, the Office responds to consultations from other government institutions regarding solicitor-client information for the Government as a whole. Although the User Fees Act may provide some of the performance indicators, fee waiver must be considered in light of the ATIP legislation.

User Fees Totals

2011-12 ($ thousands)
  Forecast revenue Actual revenue Full cost
Subtotal Regulatory 8,038 7,653 3,995
Subtotal Other Products and Services 3 2 2,117
Total 8,041 7,655 6,112
Planning Years ($ thousands)
  Fiscal year Forecast revenue Estimated full cost
Subtotal Regulatory 2012-13 7,738 3,556
2013-14 7,738 3,566
2014-15 7,738 3,577
Subtotal Other Products and Services 2012-13 2 2,147
2013-14 2 2,179
2014-15 2 2,213
Total 2012-13 7,740 5,703
2013-14 7,740 5,745
2014-15 7,740 5,790

External Fees (Policy on Service Standards for External Fees)

External Fee Service Standard Performance Results Stakeholder Consultation
The Family Order and Agreements Enforcement Assistance (FOAEA)
  1. Garnishment applications under Part II of the FOAEA Act will be in effect 35 days after receipt. The FOAEA Act provides further details:

  2. Public enquiries are to be responded to within 48 hours.

63,238 new garnishment applications accepted within the time frame. Standard met at 100%. Increasing number of funds garnisheed.

A total of 76,183 calls were received.

Informal feedback and general day-to-day interactions with clients and stakeholders, including provincial and territorial maintenance enforcement programs, courts, and other federal government partners, indicate a high level of satisfaction with the services provided under the Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance program.

The Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings
  1. Clearance Certificates are to be issued within 3 weeks of receipt of the application.
  2. All telephone enquiries are to be responded to within 24 hours and all written enquiries are to be responded to within 5 business days.
  3. Quarterly invoices and compensation reports are to be issued within 30 days.

Standard met at 100%.

Standard met at 95%.

Approximately 50 to 60 daily telephone enquiries.

Information released in accordance with established procedures.

Standard met at 100%.

Ongoing interaction and consultations with court registrars and provincial/territorial Coordinating Committee of Senior Officials-Family Justice members on service delivery mechanisms.
Fees charged for the processing of access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request.

The Access to Information Act provides fuller details:

Standard met at 89.8%. The service standard is established by the Access to Information Act and the Access to Information Regulations. Consultations with stakeholders were undertaken by the Department of Justice and Treasury Board Secretariat for amendments done in 1986 and 1992.