2017–18 Departmental Results Report - Supplementary Information Tables

Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

1. Context for the Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy

The 2016–2019 Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS):

In keeping with the objectives of the Act to make environmental decision-making more transparent and accountable to Parliament, the Department of Justice Canada supports reporting on the implementation of the FSDS and its Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy, through the activities described in this supplementary information table.

2. Sustainable Development in the Department of Justice Canada

The Department of Justice Canada’s Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy for 2017 to 2020 describes the department’s actions in support of achieving a low-carbon government. This supplementary information table presents available results for the departmental actions pertinent to this goal. Last year’s supplementary information table is posted on Justice Canada's website. This year, the Department of Justice Canada is also noting which UN Sustainable Development Goal target each departmental action contributes to achieving.

3. Departmental performance by FSDS goal

The following tables provide performance information on departmental actions in support of the FSDS goal listed in section 2.

Context for the FSDS goal: Low-carbon government

FSDS goal: low-carbon government
FSDS target(s) FSDS contributing action(s) Corresponding departmental action(s) Support for UN Sustainable Development Goal targetTable note i Starting point(s), target(s) and performance indicator(s) for departmental actions Results achievedTable note ii
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from federal government buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aspiration to achieve it by 2025 Improve the energy efficiency of our buildings/operationsTable note iii
  • Decrease in space footprint using innovative and collaborative methods
    • Reducing the Department’s space footprint
12.C Percentage change in density of use, i.e. FTE/m2, for three offices undergoing lease renewal between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018

On track

ORO fit-up project achieved a 24% space savings

Modernize our fleetTable note iii
  • Investing in infrastructure that enables the use of less carbon-intensive vehicles today supports green vehicle choices in the future
    • Developing fleet infrastructure
12.C & 12.C.1 By March 31st, 2020, Justice will install 2 workplace Electric Vehicle Chargers (EVC) at National Headquarters


2 EVCs approved and installed.

Support the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement
  • Incorporate environmental considerations into purchasing decisions with the aim of motivating suppliers to green their goods, services and supply chain.
    • Expand the scope of the Justice Green Procurement Directive
    • Increase green procurement by 10%
  • Change in the number of type of goods and/or services subject to the Justice Green Procurement Directive
  • Change in the share of procurement (by $ value) where environmentally-friendly considerations exist over time

On track

  • Contracting and Materiel Management Division (CMMD) has engaged stakeholders and is exploring the possibility of extending the Green Procurement Directive to new items, e.g. furniture and/or other equipment.
  • Green procurement conducted by procurement officers has increased to 9% in FY 2017/18 from a baseline of 5.5% (in terms of $ value) in FY 2016/17. Also, where feasible, environmental considerations are being introduced in the Request for Proposals process, and processes to improve internal tracking of green procurement are being developed.
Support the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement

Ensure all Procurement Specialists and acquisition card holders complete green procurement training


Share of Procurement Specialists and acquisition card holders who have completed the Green Procurement training offered by the Canada School of the Public Service

On track

100% of procurement specialists and acquisition card holders have completed the Green Procurement training.

Support the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement
  • Reusing, recycling and repurposing goods and services
  • Creation of a crowd-sourced exchange platform for unused JUS inventory
  • Launch of internal platform on the Digital Workspace by March 31, 2020
  • Volume of transactions over time

On track

  • A draft version of the proposed exchange platform has been developed and is being beta tested and piloted over FY 2018-19.
  • As the platform is in the design stage at this time, there is nothing to report on volume of transactions
Promote sustainable travel practicesTable note iii
  • Encourage staff to opt for less carbon-intensive modes of transport for work-related travel in city centres
    • Decrease the use of carbon-intensive modes of work-related travel within city centres
N/A Change in spending and use of taxi chits

On track

  • 11% decrease in the use of taxi chits from the baseline year of FY 2016-17.  6,595 taxi chits were used in FY 2017-2018.
  • Feasibility on the use of Presto cards as a green alternative in the Ottawa area has been assessed and will be introduced in the upcoming fiscal year.
  • Large meetings where walking and/or carpooling is possible are being targeted for participant engagement as are teams identified as having high historical taxi expenses.
Promote sustainable travel practicesTable note iii Building staff awareness of the economic and environmental benefits of greener modes of transport  

Count of communication products promoting sustainable travel

On track

  • Communications addressing greener modes of transport
    • 2 JustInfo articles
    • 2 kiosks
    • 4 blogs
Understand climate change impacts and build resilience
  • Encouraging staff to factor Climate Change into policy, programs and operations.
    • Implementing an all-staff engagement plan on Climate Change
  • Encouraging continuous dialogue on themes relating to Sustainable Development and Climate Change
  • Implementation of a climate change-focused educational campaign for all staff
  • Share of staff who were engaged

On track

  • A draft all-staff engagement plan on Climate Change is in development for implementation over FY 2018-19 and FY 2019-20.
  • 19 SD-related blog posts using the hashtags #green and #vert were “liked” 197 times and replied to 135 times in FY 2017-18. 14 additional SD-related articles were shared via JUS’ internal weekly newsletter.
Demonstrate innovative technologiesTable note iii
  • Reducing reliance on paper-based processes
    • Leveraging the power of digital platforms to enable greener, more collaborative ways of working
    • Training staff on the use of the Digital Workspace
  • Change in the count of sites created on the Department’s Digital Workspace since 2016-17.
  • Change in the count of staff trained in the use of the Department’s Digital Workspace since 2016-17.


  • 98 new sites were created in 2017-18 (a 58% increase since 2016-17)
  • 1,377 new users were trained in 2017-18 (a 125% increase since 2016-17)
Enabling the move towards fully digital official records  
  • Publication of a digital official records standard
  • Change in the volume of official digital records held


  • Publication of a JUS Standard on Managing Digital Information completed in January 2017.
  • Official digital records totaling 4962 GB held in various digital repositories.
Encouraging the increased use of digital meeting technologies  
  • Count of new accounts
  • Count of meeting minutes
  • 379 VMR accounts
  • 22 million minutes/month used (over 124 clients)
Demonstrate innovative technologiesTable note iii Reducing reliance on print publications in the library   Ratio of digital to print subscriptions


Share of the legal research collection that is digital increased from 31% to 42% in 2017-18.

Piloting a digital briefing note process   Count of briefing notes Work is underway to develop a test group and pilot process
Piloting an e-signature process  
  • Count of processes piloted
  • Count of digital authorizations completed

On track

  • Work is under way to develop 2 digital approvals processes and beta test them.
  • These processes will be piloted over the upcoming year.
Implementing a Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system  
  • Adoption of platform
  • Count of completed requests processed

On track

Work is under way to fully implement the system with Phase 1 of 2 in process.

Sustainable workplace practices Piloting activity-based workspaces   Creation of activity-based workspaces

On track

The pilot project is under way and obtaining feedback from users on functionality, effectiveness and other criteria.

Procuring and using energy efficient computing devices 7.3 Share of computing devices certified as energy efficient

On track

100% of computing devices are energy efficient

Engaging heavy paper and printing users in dialogues on how to change their practices   Number of engagement actions undertaken

On track

Engagement in sessions held on the use of various electronic tools replacing the need for paper:

  • 7 sessions on use of MS OneNote with over 40 participants
  • 2 sessions on Laptop basics to 2 large groups (over 20 participants)
  • 3 sessions on use of MS Lync with 10 participants
  • 1 session on VMR with 4 participants
  • 2 sessions on GCSRA to over 50 participants
Sustainable workplace practices Tracking and uncovering energy use trends in the computer network and, where feasible, promoting a downward trend in energy use   Change in average energy consumption (KwH) per user

On track

Energy consumption of computers in 2017 has remained steady with no upward or downward trend.

Building workspaces using specific wellness criteria that help staff connect to nature when indoors, e.g. natural lighting   Change in count of workstations built using wellness criteria over time

On track

54 new workstations with access to natural light were created in FY 2107-18 with plans to develop more in the following fiscal year.

Enabling access to nature during work hours   Change in number of available lockers since FY 2016-17

On track

A total of 110 lockers installed

Understand climate change impacts and build resilienceTable note iii Streamlining of the Department’s Strategic Environmental Assessment processes 13.2 &13.3

Implementation of changes to Strategic Environmental Assessment practices as outlined in the 2017 Management Action Plan for SEAs


Launched a revised SEA questionnaire and updated related briefing and guidance materials.

New monitoring and information-sharing processes have been implemented and a process map developed.

Improve transparency and accountabilityTable note iv N/A N/A N/A N/A
Develop policy for low-carbon governmentTable note iv N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table note i

This new element shows how departments are contributing to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets.

Return to table note i referrer

Table note ii

This column is new.

Return to table note ii referrer

Table note iii

This contributing action does not apply to small and micro departments. These departments should insert “Not applicable” in columns three to six.

Return to table note iii referrer

Table note iv

This contributing action applies only to The Centre for Greening Government at the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS). All other departments should insert “Not applicable” in columns three to six.

Return to table note iv referrer

Additional departmental sustainable development activities and initiatives related to safe and healthy communities and effective action on climate change
Additional departmental activities and initiatives Starting points, targets and performance indicators Results achieved
Encouraging employees in sustainable modes of transport through engagement in the Commuter Challenge across the department
  • Inform employees on their responsibilities to effect climate change and the benefits of sustainable modes of transport
  • Encourage new behavior by tracking use of sustainable modes of transport
  • 260 employees
  • A distance of 30,040.46 kilometres
  • Savings of 2,188 L of fuel
  • Reduced GHG emissions by 3,821.03 kg of CO2

4. Report on integrating sustainable development

During the 2017–18 reporting cycle, the Department of Justice Canada had no proposals that required a Strategic Environmental Assessment and no public statements were produced.

The Department of Justice Canada will continue to ensure that its decision-making process includes consideration of FSDS goals and targets through the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process. An SEA for policy, plan or program proposals includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on FSDS goals and targets.