Evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section

Appendix C: Data Collection Instruments

Key Informant Interview Guide for ILPS Counsel

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have an opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your current role/position and responsibilities as they relate to your work with ILPS.


  1. Please describe the extent to which the activities of ILPS are aligned with:
    1. the strategic outcomes of the Department of Justice;
      • Strategic Outcome A: A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian Justice System.
      • Strategic Outcome B: A federal government that is supported by high-quality legal services;
    2. the federal priorities in the area of international development.
  2. In your view, is there a legitimate and necessary role for the Canadian federal government to provide international legal assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system?
    1. If yes, please elaborate.
    2. If no, why not?
  3. Please describe the extent to which the activities of ILPS are aligned with the federal government’s roles and responsibilities with respect to international development.
  4. In your opinion, have there been any changes in the level or nature of the demand for the activities of ILPS in the last 5 years? Please consider the volume and the type of activities requested (such as technical legal assistance, strategic advice, and outreach).
  5. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS:
    1. To provide technical assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system?
      1. If yes, what are the benefits of having this type of assistance provided by ILPS?
      2. If no, why not?
    2. To provide strategic advice and have strategic partnerships relating to international justice sector development issues?
      1. If yes, what are the benefits?
      2. If no, why not?
    3. To participate in national and international information-sharing meetings?
      1. If yes, what are the benefits?
      2. If no, why not?


  1. In your opinion, is the governance structure of ILPS appropriate?
  2. Do you think that the roles and responsibilities of ILPS are clear? Please explain.
    1. If not, what more needs to be done?
  3. Does ILPS have a systematic process in place for collecting information, and monitoring and reporting on its performance results?
    1. If yes, how is this information used?
    2. If no, why not?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. Please describe briefly how ILPS becomes involve in starting a technical assistance project?
  2. Thinking about what has resulted from the technical assistance project in (Specific Country) in which ILPS has been involved, please indicate the extent to which this project achieved its intended results of:
    1. Knowledge transfer to assist (Specific Country) to strengthen its justice system;
    2. Improved capacity of (Specific Country) to deliver fair and accessible justice; and
    3. Strengthened rule of law and overall improved justice system of (Specific Country).
  3. Have any partnerships develop while implementing the (Project) in (Specific Country)?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What was the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  4. What worked particularly well while implementing the (Project)?
  5. What, if anything, did not work so well while implementing the (Project)?
  6. Were there any unintended or unanticipated impacts, either positive or negative, that occurred while implementing the (Project)?
    1. If yes, what were they?
  7. Based on your experience working with ILPS, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned in the delivery of ILPS’ work of providing technical assistance?
  8. Turning to the strategic advice activities of ILPS, please briefly describe how ILPS becomes involve in providing strategic advice relating to justice sector development issues.
  9. Thinking about the results achieved for the strategic advice function that ILPS has been involved, please indicate the extent to which each of the following intended results have been achieved:
    1. Transfer of knowledge of current and emerging international development justice sector issues to Justice Canada and to other Canadian federal departments;
    2. Improved capacity of Canada to participate strategically in foreign policy and international development justice sector issues; and
    3. Advanced the priorities and foreign policy objectives of the Government of Canada.
  10. Did any partnerships develop while undertaking the strategic advice function?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What was the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  11. From your perspective, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned with respect to ILPS’s work in providing strategic advice relating to justice sector development issues?
    1. And now, turning to information-sharing and outreach, please briefly describe how ILPS becomes involve in bilateral and multilateral information-sharing meetings. (For example, specific GAC working group meetings, the Canada-UK-US Trilateral meetings)
  12. Thinking about the results achieved for the information-sharing meetings that ILPS has been involved, please indicate the extent to which each of the following intended results have been achieved:
    1. Exchange of knowledge of current and emerging international development justice sector issues at bilateral and multilateral information sharing meetings;
    2. Improved capacity of Canada to participate strategically in foreign policy and international development justice sector issues; and
    3. Advanced the priorities and foreign policy objectives of the Government of Canada.
  13. Have any partnerships developed from the information-sharing meetings?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What were the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?

Performance (Efficiency & Economy)

  1. In your opinion, are adequate resources (e.g. human, financial, technological, other) in place to support the work of ILPS?
  2. How has ILPS managed any resource challenges?
  3. Are the most appropriate levels of legal counsel assigned to the various ILPS activities? Please elaborate.
    1. What measures are in place to ensure that the activities of ILPS are carried out efficiently and cost-effectively? (For example: i) assigning appropriate levels of counsel to a project; ii) using tools and practices to reduce the costs of the project)
  4. Have there been any factors that have influenced, either positively or negatively, ILPS’ ability to provide its activities efficiently? Please elaborate.
  5. What, if any, suggestions do you have for improving the efficiency and/or cost-effectiveness of the activities provided by ILPS?
  6. What other organizations outside of government are engaged in international development activities for the justice sector?
    1. Are these organizations complementing or duplicating the work of the ILPS. Please elaborate.


  1. Do you have anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for your time. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Key Informant Interview Guide for Partners of Legal Technical Assistance Projects

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview questionnaire will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have the opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your current role/position and responsibilities as they relate to your involvement with the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS) of the Department of Justice Canada.


  1. In your view, is there a legitimate and necessary role for the Canadian federal government to provide international legal assistance?
    1. If yes, please elaborate.
    2. If no, why not?
  2. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS to provide technical assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system?
    1. If yes, what are the benefits of having this type of assistance provided by ILPS?
    2. If no, why not?


  1. Do you think that the roles and responsibilities of ILPS are clearly communicated to your organization? Please explain.
    1. If not, are there ways in which ILPS can communicate its roles and responsibilities more clearly?
    2. What else can be improved?
  2. Does the ILPS use a systematic process for collecting information, and monitoring and reporting on its performance results for the (Project) in the (Specific Country)?
    1. If yes, how is this information used?
    2. If no, why not?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. Please indicate the extent to which transfer of knowledge by ILPS on current and emerging international development justice sector-related issues to other Canadian federal departments have occurred. (i.e., any Strategic advice provided to your organization by ILPS)
  2. Please briefly describe how the ILPS became involved in starting the (Project) to provide technical legal assistance in the (Specific Country).
  3. Now, I would like to ask you about what has resulted from the (Project) in (Specific Country) in which ILPS has been involved. To what extent has the (Project) achieve its intended results in terms of:
    1. Knowledge transfer to assist the (Specific Country) to strengthen its justice system;
    2. Improved capacity of the (Specific Country) to deliver fair and accessible justice; and
    3. Strengthened rule of law and overall improved justice system of the (Specific Country).
  4. Has any partnerships develop while implementing the (Project) in the (Specific Country)?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What was the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  5. What has worked particularly well while implementing the (Project)?
  6. What, if anything, has not worked so well while implementing the (Project)?
  7. Are there any unintended or unanticipated impacts, either positive or negative, that have occurred while implementing the (Project)?
    1. If yes, what are they?
  8. Based on your experience working with ILPS, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned in the delivery of ILPS’ work of providing technical assistance through the (Project) in the (Specific Country)?
  9. In general, how satisfied are you with the technical assistance work your organization has received from the ILPS?

Performance (Efficiency & Economy)

  1. Are other organizations in the (Specific Country) engaged in international development activities for the justice sector?
    1. If yes, are these organizations complementing or duplicating the work of ILPS that is being done in the (Specific Country)? Please elaborate.


  1. Do you have anything you would like to add about your experience working with ILPS?

Thank you for your time. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Key Informant Interview Guide for Beneficiaries of the Legal Technical Assistance Projects

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have an opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your current role and responsibilities within your organization.
  2. What is the nature of your organization’s relationship with the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS) of the Department of Justice Canada?


  1. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS to provide legal technical assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system?
    1. If yes, what are the benefits of having this type of assistance provided by ILPS?
    2. If no, why not?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. Please briefly describe how ILPS became involved in starting the (Project) to provide legal technical assistance in (Specific Country)?
  2. Now, I would like to ask you about what has resulted from the (Project) in which ILPS has been involved. To what extent did the (Project) achieve its intended results in terms of:
    1. Knowledge transfer to assist (Specific Country) to strengthen its justice system;
    2. Improved capacity of (Specific Country) to deliver fair and accessible justice; and
    3. Strengthened rule of law and overall improved justice system of (Specific Country).
  3. Has any partnerships develop while implementing the (Project)?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What was the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  4. What worked particularly well while implementing the (Project)?
  5. What, if anything, did not work so well while implementing the (Project)?
  6. Were there any unintended or unanticipated impacts, either positive or negative, that occurred while implementing the (Project)?
    1. If yes, what were they?
  7. In general, how satisfied are you with the legal technical assistance your organization has been receiving from ILPS?
  8. Based on your experience working with ILPS, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned in the delivery of ILPS’ work of providing legal technical assistance?

Performance – Efficiency & Economy

  1. What other organizations outside of your government are providing international justice sector related services in (Specific Country)?
    1. Please elaborate.


  1. Do you have anything you would like to add about your experience working with ILPS?

Thank you for your time. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Key Informant Interview Guide for Partners of the Strategic Advice Function

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have an opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your current role and responsibilities within your organization.
  2. What is the nature of your organization’s relationship with the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS) of the Department of Justice Canada?


  1. In your view, is there a legitimate and necessary role for the federal government to provide international legal assistance?
    1. If yes, please elaborate.
    2. If no, why not?
  2. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS to provide strategic advice and develop strategic partnerships relating to international justice sector development issues?
    1. If yes, what are the benefits?
    2. If no, why not?


  1. Do you think that the roles and responsibilities of ILPS are clearly communicated to your organization? Please explain.
    1. If not, are there ways in which ILPS can communicate its roles and responsibilities more clearly to clients?
    2. What else can be improved?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. Please briefly describe how ILPS became involved in providing strategic advice relating to justice sector development issues to your organization.
  2. Thinking about the results achieved for the strategic advice function that ILPS has been involved, please indicate the extent to which each of the following intended results were achieved:
    1. Transfer of knowledge of current and emerging international development justice sector issues to Justice Canada and to other Canadian federal departments;
    2. Improved capacity of Canada to participate strategically in foreign policy and international development justice sector issues; and
    3. Advanced the priorities and foreign policy objectives of Justice Canada and the Government of Canada.
  3. Did any partnerships develop while undertaking the strategic advice function?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What was the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  4. Were there any factors that contributed or constrained ILPS’ ability to provide timely and high-quality strategic advice to your organization?
    1. If yes, please elaborate.
  5. In general, how satisfied are you with the work on strategic advice relating to justice sector development issues your organization has been receiving from ILPS?
  6. Based on your experience working with ILPS, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned in the delivery of ILPS’ work in providing strategic advice relating to justice sector development issues?

Performance – Efficiency & Economy

  1. What other organizations outside of government are providing international justice sector related services?
    1. Please elaborate.


  1. Do you have anything you would like to add about your experience working with ILPS?

Thank you for your time. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Key Informant Interview Guide for Partners of the Outreach Function

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have an opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your position and responsibilities as they relate to your relationship with the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS) of the Department of Justice Canada.


  1. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS to participate in international information-sharing meetings such as the Canada-UK-US Trilateral Meeting on International Justice Sector Development?
    1. If yes, what are the benefits?
    2. If no, why not?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. Please briefly describe how ILPS became involved in the Canada-UK-US Trilateral Meeting on International Justice Sector Development
  2. Thinking about the results achieved from the Canada-UK-US Trilateral Meetings on International Justice Sector Development that ILPS has been involved, please indicate the extent to which each of the following intended results have been achieved:
    1. Exchange of knowledge of current and emerging international development justice sector issues at bilateral and multilateral information sharing meetings;
    2. Improved capacity of Canada to participate strategically in foreign policy and international development justice sector issues; and
    3. Advanced the priorities and foreign policy objectives of the Government of Canada.
  3. Have any partnerships developed from the Trilateral Meetings?
    1. If yes, what types of organizations were involved?
    2. What were the nature of the contributions made by these partnerships?
  4. In general, how satisfied are you with your relationship with ILPS?
  5. Based on your experience working with ILPS, what would you identify as best practices and/or lessons learned from ILPS’ participation in information-sharing meetings?

Performance (Effectiveness & Efficiency)

  1. Are there other organizations that can either complement and/or duplicate the participation of ILPS in the Canada-UK-US Trilateral Meetings on International Justice Sector Development? Please elaborate.


  1. Do you have anything else you would like to add about your relationship with ILPS?

Thank you for your time. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

Key Informant Interview Guide for the Senior Assistant Deputy Minister

The 2009 Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Policy on Evaluation requires federal departments to evaluate all direct program spending every five years. Consequently, the Department of Justice Evaluation Division is conducting an evaluation of the International Legal Programs Section (ILPS). The purpose of the evaluation is to assess the extent to which ILPS provides relevant and effective assistance to foreign countries seeking to modernize their justice system. The evaluation includes interviews with those working within ILPS, with representatives of the Department of Justice and of other organizations familiar with the work of ILPS.

The information gathered through this interview will be summarized in aggregate form and will not be attributed to individual informants. You will have an opportunity to review a written summary of the interview and make any corrections or additions.

The evaluation focuses on the period 2009 to 2014, so please consider your experiences during this period in your responses.

Your input and participation are greatly appreciated.


  1. Please describe your current role/position and responsibilities as they relate to your work with ILPS.


  1. Please describe the extent to which the activities of ILPS are aligned with the:
    1. Strategic outcomes of the Department of Justice;
      • Strategic Outcome A: A fair, relevant and accessible Canadian Justice System.
      • Strategic Outcome B: A federal government that is supported by high-quality legal services;
    2. Federal priorities in the area of international development.
  2. In your view, is there a legitimate and necessary role for the federal government to provide international legal assistance?
    1. If yes, please elaborate.
    2. If no, why not?
  3. Please describe the extent to which the activities of ILPS are aligned with the federal government’s roles and responsibilities with respect to international development.
  4. In your opinion, is there a continued need for ILPS?
    1. If yes, please elaborate. Should ILPS continue to provide legal technical assistance, strategic advice, and participate in national and international information-sharing meetings?
    2. If no, why not?


  1. In your opinion, is the governance structure of ILPS appropriate?
  2. Do you think that the roles and responsibilities of ILPS are clear? Please explain.
    1. If not, what more needs to be done?

Performance – Effectiveness

  1. In general, how satisfied are you with the work produced by ILPS?
  2. In your view, what has worked particularly well for ILPS?
  3. What has not worked so well for ILPS?

Performance (Efficiency & Effectiveness)

  1. On your opinion, are adequate resources (e.g. human, financial, technological, other) in place to support the work of ILPS?
  2. Have there been any factors that have influenced, either positively or negatively, ILPS’ ability to provide its activities efficiently? Please elaborate.
  3. What, if any, suggestions do you have for improving the efficiency and/or cost-effectiveness of the activities provided by ILPS?


  1. Do you have anything else you would like to add about your experience working with ILPS?

Thank you very much for your time and input. Your participation is greatly appreciated.