2017 to 2018 Fees Report

General fees information

The tables below provide the following information on each category of fees, including:

In addition to the information presented by fee category, there is a summary of the financial information for all fees as well as a listing of fees under the Department’s authority. This listing includes the existing dollar fee amounts and the adjusted dollar fee amount for a future year.

General and financial information by fee category

Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act (FOAEAA)

General information

Fee category
Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act (FOAEAA)
Fee-setting authority


Year introduced
Year last amended
Regulations were last modified in 2015, but the fee was last modified in 1999.
Service standard
Voicemail messages from support debtors are returned within two business days.
Performance results
98% of calls received were returned within the service standard of two business days.
Other information
Actual revenue and full cost figures cannot be compared directly because of differences in the basis of accounting for revenue and costs. Revenues are calculated on an accrual accounting basis, while costs are calculated on a cash basis.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 CostTable note i 2017 to 2018 RemissionsTable note ii
7,824,229 7,584,047 1,664,267 Not applicable
Table note i

The amount includes direct and indirect costs where such costs are identifiable and material.

Return to table note i referrer

Table note ii

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers, should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is the remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Return to table note ii referrer

Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings (CRDP)

General information

Fee category
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings (CRDP)
Fee-setting authority


Year introduced
Year last amended
Not applicable
Service standard
The CRDP must issue a Clearance Certificate or a Notice of Duplication to the appropriate court registrar within three weeks of receiving a valid and complete Registration of Divorce Proceedings Form.
Performance results
The CRDP provided a Clearance Certificate or a Notice of Duplication to the appropriate court registrar within three weeks for every valid and complete Registration of Divorce Proceedings Form it received. (100% compliance with service standard)
Other information

The CRDP Fee Order sets the CRDP fee at $10 to be paid by a person who files an application for divorce and who has received a service under section 5 of the CRDP Regulations. No fee shall be paid by a person who receives legal aid from a province in respect of the person’s application for divorce where, pursuant to the law of the province, payment by that person of the fees established by the province for filing an application for divorce is waived.

Pursuant to a Memorandum of Agreement with the province or territory, describing the responsibilities of each government under the CRDP Regulations, provinces and territories are billed on a quarterly basis at $10 per registration application submitted, less $3 per registration application as compensation for carrying out their responsibilities. Each province or territory receives an invoice itemizing the total quarterly amount of CRDP fees owed, less the compensation due, resulting in an amount payable to the CRDP (Receiver General of Canada) of $7 per registration.

Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 CostTable note iii 2017 to 201 RemissionsTable note iv
677,427 660,630 800,081 Not applicable
Table note iii

The amount includes direct and indirect costs where such costs are identifiable and material.

Return to table note iii referrer

Table note iv

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers, should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems. During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is the remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Return to table note iv referrer

Fees Charged for the Processing of Requests Filed Under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

General information

Fee category
Fees Charged for the Processing of Requests Filed Under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)
Fee-setting authority
Access to Information ActFootnote 3
Year introduced
Year last amended
Service standard
Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request. The response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension has to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request. The ATIA provides fuller details.
Performance results
Statutory deadline met 80.3% of the time
Other information
Full cost reflects the costs in relation to the ATIA within the Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Office in the Department of Justice Canada. The role of the ATIP Office is to respond to all formal requests that are made to the Department of Justice Canada, in accordance with the Access to Information Act. In addition, the Office responds to consultations from other government institutions regarding solicitor-client information for the government as a whole.
Financial information (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Revenue 2017 to 2018 Revenue 2017 to 2018 CostTable note v 2017 to 2018 RemissionsTable note vi
3,155 3,420 2,304,992 Not applicable
Table note v

The amount includes direct and indirect costs where such costs are identifiable and material. The 2017-18 cost differs from the cost reported in the Annual Report to Parliament 2017-2018: Access to Information ActFootnote 4, which does not include indirect costs.

Return to table note v referrer

Table note vi

A remission is a partial or full return of a fee paid. Under the Service Fees Act, departments are required to develop policies that determine when fees will be remitted to fee payers, should service standards not be met. The requirement for departments to remit fees is anticipated to come into effect on March 31, 2020. This effective date allows departments time to develop remissions policies and adjust service standard tracking and remittance systems.  During fiscal year 2017 to 2018, some departments may have issued remissions in accordance with the authority of their enabling legislation or regulation as opposed to the authority given by the Service Fees Act. It is the remissions issued under enabling legislation or regulations that are shown above.

Return to table note vi referrer

Financial totals for all fee categories

Total revenues, cost and remissions (dollars)
2016 to 2017 Total revenue 2017 to 2018 Total revenue 2017 to 2018 Total cost 2017 to 2018 Total remissions
8,504,811 8,248,097 4,769,340 Not applicable

Note: the totals are the sums of the revenues, costs and remissions reported for all fee categories in the “Financial information” tables.

Fees under the Department’s authority

Fee amounts for 2017 to 2018, 2019 to 2020, and a future fiscal year, as applicable (dollars)
Name of fee 2017 to 2018 Fee amount 2019 to 2020 Adjusted fee amountTable note vii Future fee amount and fiscal yearTable note viii
Family Orders and Agreements Enforcement Assistance Act 38 38.84Table note vii To be confirmed
Central Registry of Divorce Proceedings 10 10.22Table note vii To be confirmed
Table note vii

Fees are adjusted annually in one of two ways: (1) Under the Service Fees Act, fees are adjusted in each fiscal year by the percentage change over 12 months in the April All-Items Consumer Price Index for Canada, as published by Statistics Canada for the previous fiscal year. The Consumer Price Index rate for this report is 2.2%. (2) The fee is subject to a periodic adjustment at a predetermined rate, in accordance with another authority in legislation or regulation. If low-materiality regulations become effective before March 31, 2020, the fee amount adjustment will not be applicable.

Return to table note vii referrer

Table note viii

The “Future fee amount and fiscal year” is the new amount of the fee in a future fiscal year other than 2019 to 2020, adjusted by a predetermined rate, in accordance with the authority in legislation or regulation.

Return to table note viii referrer