2014-15 Report on Plans and Priorities (RPP)
Supplementary Information Tables

Greening Government Operations (GGO)

Goal 7: Waste and Asset Management

Target 7.2: Green Procurement

As of April 1, 2014, the Government of Canada will continue to take action to embed environmental considerations into public procurement, in accordance with the federal Policy on Green Procurement.

Performance Measurement
Expected Result

Environmentally responsible acquisition, use and disposal of goods and services.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level Departmental approach to further the implementation of the Policy on Green Procurement in place (as of April 1, 2014). Planned completion date: March 31, 2015 Number and percentage of specialists in procurement and/or materiel management who have completed the Canada School of Public Service Green Procurement course or equivalent, in the given fiscal year. 100 % Number and percentage of managers and functional heads of procurement and materiel whose performance evaluation includes support and contribution towards green procurement, in the given fiscal year. 100 %
Departmental green procurement target 1:

By March 31, 2017, 70% of chairs and panels purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the furniture.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Dollar value or volume of chairs and panels purchased through a contract awarded by Accommodation and Contracting Officers that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value or volume of all chairs and panels purchases for the year in question. 30% by March 31, 2015
Departmental green procurement target 2:

By March 31, 2017, 100% of copy paper purchased through the Standing Offers (SO) will contain a minimum of 30 % recycled content, as well as meet or exceed the criteria established in the EcoLogo CCD-077 standard for paper, or equivalent.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Dollar value or volume of copy paper that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value or volume of all copy paper purchases in the year in question. 100 % by March 31, 2017
Target 3:

By March 31, 2017, 50% of office supply purchases will include criteria to reduce the environmental impact associated with the production, acquisition, use and/or disposal of the supplies.

Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Dollar value or volume of office supply purchased from the SO that meet the target objective relative to the total dollar value or volume of all office supply purchases in the year in question. 20% by March 31, 2015
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice Targeted Performance Level Use PWGSC common use procurement instruments where available and feasible. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status

Target 7.3: Sustainable Workplace Operations

As of April 1, 2015, the Government of Canada will update and adopt policies and practices to improve the sustainability of its workplace operations.

Performance Measurement
Expected Result
Performance Indicator Targeted Performance Level
Departmental workplace operations have a reduced environmental impact. Planned completion date: March 31, 2015
Implementation Strategy Element or Best Practice Targeted Performance Level Engage employees in greening government operations practices. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Maintain or improve existing approaches to sustainable workplace practices (i.e. printer ratios, paper usage, and green meetings). The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Minimize the ratio of information technology (IT) assets per employee The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Select and operate IT and office equipment in a manner that reduces energy consumption and material usage. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Dispose of e-waste in an environmentally sound and secure manner. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Reuse or recycle workplace materiel and assets in an environmentally sound and secure manner. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status Increase the population density in office buildings and space utilization in special purpose buildings. The Department is seeking to attain an "achieved" status