2017-18 Departmental Plan - Supplementary Information Tables
Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations
Title of internal audit | Internal audit subject | Status | Expected completion date |
Joint Audit of the Access to Information and Privacy Consultation Process in Cabinet Confidences | Governance, Risk Management and Internal Controls | In Progress | June 2017 |
Audit of the Use of Paralegals | Governance and Internal Controls | Planned | October 2017 |
Audit of Legal Risk Management | Governance, Risk Management and Internal Controls | Planned | 2017-18 |
Audit of e-Discovery and Litigation Readiness | Governance and Internal Controls | Planned | 2017-18 |
Audit of Legal Knowledge Management | Governance and Internal Controls | Planned | 2017-18 |
Audit of File Opening and Closing Practices | Governance and Internal Controls | Planned | 2017-18 |
Audit of Procurement and Contracting Practices | Governance, Risk Management and Internal Controls | Planned | 2017-18 |
Upcoming evaluations over the next fiscal year
The Department is currently in a transition year due to the implementation of the new Policy on Results, which has required that it develop a new program inventory and realign its long-term evaluation plan accordingly. A full five-year evaluation plan will be presented as part of the 2018-19 Departmental Plan.
Fiscal year (of the planned date for deputy head approval of the evaluation report) | Title of the evaluation | Completion of last evaluation | Link to department’s Program Inventory | Planned spending associated with the program(s) evaluated (dollars) |
2017–18 | National Anti-Drug Strategy (NADS) (Horizontal initiative led by Justice Canada) | February 2013 | 1.1.1 Legal Policies and Laws | $5,707,991 This funding is associated with three Department of Justice programs / activities as follows:
2017–18 | Indigenous Courtwork Program | April 2013 | Aboriginal and Northern Justice | $9,702,250 |
2017–18 | Access to Justice in Both Official Languages | July 2012 | Justice in Official Languages | $7,678,720 |
2017–18 | Tax Law Services PortfolioTable note i | April 2013 | 2.1 Legal Services to Government | $6,011,849 |
2017–18 | Professional Development Program | -- | Internal Service | Not applicable (ad hoc evaluation) |
- Table note i
The Department of Justice is currently undertaking a review of how it will undertake legal services evaluations moving forward. The result of the review may affect the realisation of the Tax Law Services Portfolio evaluation.
The Department of Justice also contributes to horizontal initiatives led by other federal departments, for which an evaluation is planned in 2017-18. The list is as follows:
- National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking (Public Safety lead)
- Roadmap for Canada’s Official Languages 2013-2018 (Heritage lead)
- Family Violence Initiative (Public Health Agency of Canada lead)
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