2018-19 Departmental Plan - Supplementary Information Tables

Gender-based analysis plus

General information

Governance structures

Justice Canada’s renewed GBA+ Policy (2017) reaffirms its dedication to ensuring that its activities help foster fair outcomes for diverse groups of women, men and people with other gender identities. To help ensure that GBA+ is integrated into decision-making processes, the Policy:

  • Requires officials in all parts of the Department to follow GBA+ training, to apply GBA+ and to ensure that their work considers and reflects the diverse needs of different groups of people.
  • Provides guiding principles for GBA+ -- that it be integrated and systematic, evidence-based, and cognizant of evolving social norms.
  • Recommends that GBA+ be conducted throughout key stages of initiatives and that GBA+ analyses and impacts on initiatives be clearly documented.
  • Sets out clear accountabilities and responsibilities for all officials. Assistant Deputy Ministers are responsible for ensuring their officials take GBA+ training and integrate GBA+ in their work.

The Department’s core Memoranda to Cabinet (MC) process and Common Considerations Checklist include GBA+ and further support its integration in decision-making. Departmental MCs are reviewed for GBA+ integration. Updates on GBA+ and implementation of the Justice Canada Policy are provided periodically to the Department’s Executive Committee and other senior governance bodies.

Human resources

Justice Canada has a GBA+ Champion at the Deputy Assistant Deputy Minister level. It operates a GBA+ Unit (3 FTEs in 2018-2019) led by the Policy Sector as well as a departmental GBA+ Action Team (approximately 12 members) which consults and advises on GBA+ progress, activities and tools, and helps raise awareness of GBA+ across the Department.

Planned initiatives

Work is underway on (i) a new departmental GBA+ Report Template to guide and facilitate the preparation of stand-alone GBA+ reports and (ii) new indicators of progress on GBA+ implementation. An implementation plan for application of the indicators will be proposed, with a focus on improved incorporation of GBA+ results and influences in Cabinet Documents. Justice Canada is working diligently to further integrate GBA+ in its gender budgeting processes. Plans for 2018-2019 also include further awareness-raising, training, monitoring and reporting on GBA+ implementation.