Court Site Study of Adult Unrepresented Accused in the Provincial Criminal Courts (Part 2: Site Reports)

Chapter 3: Halifax, Nova Scotia (continued)

3.7 Overall conclusions

3.7.1 Key overall findings

Our key findings with respect to the key questions raised by the study include:

With respect to frequency of self-representation

With respect to impact

3.7.2 General reasons for current unrepresented accused situation

Interviewees who were able to speculate on the subject suggested the following key reasons for the unrepresented accused situation in Halifax (not all were mentioned or agreed to by all):

3.7.3 Solutions suggested by those interviewed in Halifax

Among the solutions offered by individual interviewees were the following (not suggested by or agreed to by all):

It was also suggested that better information of the type collected by the current project would be of assistance. For instance: