Court Site Study of Adult Unrepresented Accused in the Provincial Criminal Courts (Part 2: Site Reports)

Figure BR-9. Percentage Distribution of Case/Appearances: By Type of Decision Made and Case Status (Interim or Final Appearance) by Accused's Representation Status, Brandon
Representation Status Type of Decisions at Interim Appearance (Remanded or Stood Down) Type of Decisions at Final Appearance
*No decision % Bail decision consid-ered % Plea entered and/or election made % Bail, election and plea enter-ered % Total number of Cases Guilty verdict or peace bond % Order varied or commit-ted for trial % With-drawn, dis-missed, not guilty, discharge % Total number of cases
Self 97 0 3 0 39 (100%) 26 26 48 15 (100%)
Staff Lawyer 90 6 4 0 135 (100%) 57 28 15 46 (100%)
Private lawyer 85 4 10 1 161 (100%) 51 33 47 54 (100%)
Agent 90 0 10 0 78 (100%) 0 50 50 2 (100%)
Total 89 3 8 0 413 (100%) 52 23 25 117 (100%)

Data Source: Direct Court Observation file.
*  Bail was not considered, no elections were made by either Crown or defence, and no plea was entered.