Court Site Study of Adult Unrepresented Accused in the Provincial Criminal Courts (Part 2: Site Reports)

Figure SC-12. Court Observation Data: Percentage Distribution of Cases/Appearances: Type of Decision Made by Accused's Representation Status
Representation Status Type of Decisions at "Interim" Appearances(Remanded or Stood Down) Type of Decisions at Final Appearance
*No decision % Bail decision considered % Plea entered and/or election made % Bail, election and plea entered % Total number of appearances Guilty verdict or peace bond % Other disposition % Total number of appearances
Self 98 2 0 0 87 (100%) **** **** 5 (100%)
Duty Counsel 88 12 0 0 118 (100%) **** **** 6 (100%)
Private lawyer** 93 7 0 0 229 (100%) 50 50 22 (100%)
Other*** 100 0 0 0 13 (100%) **** **** 0 (100%)
Total 93 7 0 0 447 (100%) 39 61 33 (100%)
