Departmental Action Plan for Official Languages 2017-2022

Appendix B: Internal Governance and Roles pertaining to Official Languages


Deputy Minister

Executive Committee and Management Committee

Official Languages Champion

Official Languages Steering Committee

Departmental Network of Sectoral and Regional Official Languages Champions

The Network of Sectoral and Regional Champions consists of representatives from each portfolio, sector and division in the NCR and the regions. The role of this network and its members is to support the departmental champion in fulfilling his or her mandate, to provide leadership, and to foster a bilingual culture based on the spirit and the letter of the OLA.

Departmental Network of Coordinators for the Implementation of Section 41 (Network 41)

Network 41 is an internal network intended to raise awareness among the Department’s employees on the needs and priorities of OLMCs and to foster information sharing and liaison on departmental matters that affect the vitality of OLMCs and the promotion of English and French in Canadian society. Network 41 contributes to the Department’s leadership on official languages by promoting personalized contact with OLMCs at the regional level and by liaising with Canadian Heritage regional offices. The OLAD manages Network 41 and acts as national coordinator in the implementation of section 41 on behalf of the Department.

Senior managers and managers


Employees at all levels of the Department of Justice are encouraged to: