Departmental Action Plan for Official Languages 2017-2022

3. Considerations

The government has a set of mechanisms from which federal institutions draw broad federal policy guidelines. In keeping with its mandate, the Department must continually rise to new challenges whenever the government articulates its priorities, whether through the Speech from the Throne, the federal budget, or the Minister’s mandate letter, or through government-wide initiatives such as the Public Service Employee Survey, Blueprint 2020, or horizontal official languages strategies, to mention just a few examples.

In its role as the federal institution responsible for supporting the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, the Department has a mission that includes supporting a just and law-abiding Canadian society and providing legal services to the government and to federal departments and agencies to ensure compliance with Canada’s legal framework and to preserve public trust and confidence in the integrity of the justice system.

As a federal institution subject to the OLA, the Department must ensure that this quasi-constitutional legislation is applied in accordance with the following principles:

The Department of Justice Canada’s Departmental Action Plan for Official Languages is a flexible, open framework that can be easily adapted to the government’s key policy directions and to the concrete actions that the Department is planning to take in the years to come regarding official languages. Through the actions outlined here, the Department will be able to fulfill its responsibilities to comply with the OLA.