Environmental Scan: Access to Justice in Both Official Languages
Appendix 3
(telephone interview)
- Name:
- Judicial District:
- Province:
PART 1 : Basic Information and Statistics
- 1. Do you have data on the number of requests for criminal trials in french, on an annual basis?
- Yes:
- No:
- If so, what is the number of requests for trials in French?
- If not, can you estimate this number?
- 2. Do you have data on the number of criminal trials held in French, on an annual basis?
- Yes:
- No:
- If so, how many such trials are there per year?
- If not, can you estimate this number?
- 3. Do you have data on the number of requests for bilingual criminal trials, on an annual basis?
- Yes:
- No:
- If so, what is the number of requests for such trials per year?
- If not, can you estimate this number?
- 4. Do you have data on the number of bilingual criminal trials that are actually held per year?
- Yes:
- No:
- If so, how many such trials are there per year?
- If not, can you estimate this number?
- 5. Do you have data on the number of complaints concerning the provision of services in French, on an annual basis?
- Yes:
- No:
- If so, what is the number of complaints concerning the provision of services in French?
- If not, can you estimate this number?
PART 2: Obstacles (criminal law - section 530 of the Canadian Criminal Code)
- 6. In your opinion, are legal services easily available in French in your judicial district?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 7. Are you familiar with section 530 of the Canadian Criminal Code (right of the accused to choose any of the two official languages for a hearing)?
- Yes:
- No:
- 8. Are the legal forms available in French?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 9. Is it easy to constitute a jury whose members are capable of hearing a case in French?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 10. Does there exist, in your province or territory, a policy ensuring an active offer of services in both official languages?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 11. If you have answered yes to the preceding question, please specify the primary components for the implementation of this policy.
- 12. Are court officials in a position to offer services in the language of the accused?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
PART 3 : The judicial system in your province
- 13. Are there reforms or initiatives under study or being implemented currently that might have an impact (positive or negative) on the provision of legal services in both official languages (e.g. unified courts, electronic document filing, video taped appearances in court, single window concept) in your province or territory?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 14. If you have answered yes to the preceding question, please identify these reforms or initiatives as well as their impact on the provision of legal services in both official languages.
- Reforms or initiatives under study
- Reforms or initiatives being implemented
- 15. To your knowledge, does your province or territory rely on judges, crown prosecutors or court personnel who come from other provinces or territories in order to provide services in French?
- Yes:
- No:
- I don't know:
- 16. If you have answered yes to the preceding question, please specify (where from, how often…):
- 17. According to you, among the following categories, what is the approximate number of individuals (proportionally) capable of offering services in French in your judicial district or province/territory?
- Court personnel (e.g. :clerks, interpreters, stenographers):
- Judges:
- Crown prosecutors:
PART 4: Suggestions
- 18. According to you, what activities or initiatives could the federal government undertake to improve access to justice in the French language in your district or province/territory?
- District
- Province/Territory
- 19. Are there any other elements that you would like to add?
- Date modified: