Legal Aid Eligibility and Coverage in Canada

TABLE 4-4 -Manitoba

Rural areas
Family Size LICO equivalent (economic family) Fully Eligible Eligible-Full Contribution LICO - Before tax Difference between LICO and Income Difference between LICO and Expanded Eligibility (Full contribution)
1 1 $12,000 $21,500 12,142 $142 -$9,358
2 2 $16,000 $25,000 15,178 -$822 -$9,822
3 3 $21,500 $29,000 18,877 -$2,623 -$10,123
4 4 $25,000 $31,500 22,849 -$2,151 -$8,651
5 5 $29,000 $35,000 25,542 -$3,458 -$9,458
6 6 $31,500 $38,000 28,235 -$3,265 -$9,765
7+ 7+ $35,000 $41,000 30,928 -$4,072 -$10,072
Urban areas: Population less than 30,000
Family Size LICO equivalent (economic family) Fully Eligible Eligible-Full Contribution LICO - Before tax Difference between LICO and Income Difference between LICO and Expanded Eligibility (Full contribution)
1 1 $12,000 $21,500 13,924 1,924 -$7,576
2 2 $16,000 $25,000 17,405 1,405 -$7,595
3 3 $21,500 $29,000 21,647 147 -$7,353
4 4 $25,000 $31,500 26,205 1,205 -$5,295
5 5 $29,000 $35,000 29,293 293 -$5,707
6 6 $31,500 $38,000 32,379 879 -$5,621
7+ 7+ $35,000 $41,000 35,467 467 -$5,533
Urban areas: Population 30,000 to 99,999
Family Size LICO equivalent (economic family) Fully Eligible Eligible-Full Contribution LICO - Before tax Difference between LICO and Income Difference between LICO and Expanded Eligibility (Full contribution)
1 1 $12,000 $21,500 14,965 $2,965 -$6,535
2 2 $16,000 $25,000 18,706 $2,706 -$6,294
3 3 $21,500 $29,000 23,264 $1,764 -$5,736
4 4 $25,000 $31,500 28,162 $3,162 -$3,338
5 5 $29,000 $35,000 31,481 $2,481 -$3,519
6 6 $31,500 $38,000 34,798 $3,298 -$3,202
7+ 7+ $35,000 $41,000 38,117 $3,117 -$2,883
Urban areas: Population 100,000 to 499,999
Family Size LICO equivalent (economic family) Fully Eligible Eligible-Full Contribution LICO - Before tax Difference between LICO and Income Difference between LICO and Expanded Eligibility (Full contribution)
1 1 $12,000 $21,500 $15,070 $3,070 -$6,430
2 2 $16,000 $25,000 $18,837 $2,837 -$6,163
3 3 $21,500 $29,000 $23,429 $1,929 -$5,571
4 4 $25,000 $31,500 $28,359 $3,359 -$3,141
5 5 $29,000 $35,000 $31,701 $2,701 -$3,299
6 6 $31,500 $38,000 $35,043 $3,543 -$2,957
7+ 7+ $35,000 $41,000 $38,385 $3,385 -$2,615
Urban areas: Population 500,000 and over
Family Size LICO equivalent (economic family) Fully Eligible Eligible-Full Contribution LICO - Before tax Difference between LICO and Income Difference between LICO and Expanded Eligibility (Full contribution)
1 1 $12,000 $21,500 17,571 $5,571 -$3,929
2 2 $16,000 $25,000 21,962 $5,962 -$3,038
3 3 $21,500 $29,000 27,315 $5,815 -$1,685
4 4 $25,000 $31,500 33,063 $8,063 $1,563
5 5 $29,000 $35,000 36,958 $7,958 $1,958
6 6 $31,500 $38,000 40,855 $9,355 $2,855
7+ 7+ $35,000 $41,000 44,751 $9,751 $3,751