Legal Aid Eligibility and Coverage in Canada

TABLE 5-3 - Saskatchewan

Proportion and Number of Families Who Qualify and Do not Qualify for Legal Aid by Poverty Status, 1998

# of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 19,300 366,900 386,100
Qualify 37,700 0 37,700
Total 57,000 366,900 423,800

% of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 33.8% 100.0% 91.1%
Qualify 66.2% 0.0% 8.9%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

* Sample too small.

Proportion of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
% %
1 27.2 72.8 100
2 * 73.2 100
3 * * 100
4+ 79.7 * 100

* Sample too small.

Number of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
# #
1 10,700 28,700 39,400
2 * 5,100 6,900
3 * * 5,100
4+ 4,400 * 5,500
Total 20,000 37,000 57,000

* Sample too small.

Saskatchewan's elibility includes families with more than 7 members. SLID caps the number at 7+. For a 2 couple family, the eligibity guidelines, for 7+ , were averaged to $24,500. Whereas, for single-parent families, the category of 7+ was averaged to $25,800

Source: Prepared by the CCSD using Statistics Canada's Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics,1998.