Legal Aid Eligibility and Coverage in Canada

TABLE 5-7 - Nova Scotia

Proportion and Number of Families Who Qualify and Do not Qualify for Legal Aid by Poverty Status, 1998

# of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 12,900 289,300 302,200
Qualify 84,000 5,600 89,600
Total 96,900 294,900 391,800

% of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 13.3% 98.1% 77.1%
Qualify 86.7% 1.9% 22.9%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

Proportion of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
# #
1 13.1 86.9 100
2+ 13.6 86.4 100

Number of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
# #
1 7,700 51,100 58,800
2+ 5,200 32,900 38,100
Total 12,900 84,000 96,900

Note: The sample size for Nova Scotia is small. The family size category had to be combined in order to be able to release these figures.

We are using the guidelines of the 2 adult and dependents income guidelines. They are slightly more generous than the 1 adult. The results for the 2 are very similar.