Legal Aid Eligibility and Coverage in Canada

TABLE 5-9 - Newfoundland

Proportion and Number of Families Who Qualify and Do not Qualify for Legal Aid by Poverty Status, 1998

# of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 28,000 171,100 199,200
Qualify 6,300 0 6,300
Total 34,300 171,100 205,400

% of families
Financial Eligbility Poor Non-poor Total
Do not qualify 81.7% 100.0% 96.1%
Qualify 18.3% 0.0% 3.1%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

* Sample too small.

Proportion of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
% %
1 70.6 29.4 100
2+ 91.5 * 100

* Sample too small.

Number of Poor Families Who Do and Do Not Qualify for Legal Aid by Family Size, 1998
Family size Financial Eligbility Total
Do not qualify Qualify
# #
1 11,300 4,700 16,000
2+ 16,700 * 18,300
Total 28,000 6,300 34,300

Note: The sample size for Newfoundland is very small. The family size category had to be combined in order to be able to release these figures.

**On order to determine a 1 or 2 adult family, we have assumed that 1 adult and dependents implies a single parent family.