Post-Separation Visitation Disputes: Differential Interventions




This study suggests that it makes theoretical and practical sense to continue to further refine and establish a comprehensive set of criteria, based on types of issues in dispute (custody and/or access) and parental characteristics that lend themselves to a problem-solving approach rather than gathering "evidence" on behalf of children. The results of this study demonstrate that there was a significant difference in the cost-effectiveness of each intervention. This clearly has implications from both a practical and policy perspective. For example, being able to capture a larger client pool with a range of services allows for a more active intervention by the Children's Lawyer and a stronger child-focussed approach to family law. Hence, "one size does not fit all."

Child advocacy as practiced at the Children's Lawyers Office requires thoughtful planning to facilitate both parents' ability to concentrate on their strengths rather than the litigation and the subsequent conflict that it inevitably engenders. Offering services to families based on the needs of children should be paramount.