The Voice of the Child in Separation/Divorce Mediation and Other Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes: A Literature Review
- Nicholas
Bala, Law Professor, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario
- Maryellen
Bauman, Social Worker, Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Natalie
Boutet, Collaborative Family Practice, Toronto, Ontario
- Sheila
Brown, Social Worker/Mediator, Toronto, Ontario
- Clare
Burns, Children's Lawyer of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario
- Steven
Carter, Psychologist, Edmonton, Alberta
- Sharon
Cohen, Collaborative Family Practice, Toronto, Ontario
- Linda
Feldman, Counsel, Office of the
Children's Lawyer, Toronto, Ontario
- Lorraine
Fillion, Director, Family Mediation Services of Superior Court, Montreal,
- Rhonda
Freeman, Executive Director, Families in Transition, New Directions, Toronto,
- James
Goetz, Lawyer/ Social Worker,
Hennepin County, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Jill
Goldson, Independent contractor and mediator, New Zealand
- Dale
Hensley, Executive Director, Children's Legal and Educational Resource Centre,
Calgary, Alberta
- Dermot
Hurley, Social Work Professor,
King's University College, University of Western Ontario
- Alan
Jensen, Program Manager, Justice Services, Regina, Saskatchewan
- Joan
Kelly, Psychologist/Mediator/Researcher, California
- Barbara
Landau, Psychologist/Lawyer, Toronto, Ontario
- Janet
Lennox, Senior Policy
Advisor/Lawyer, Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia
- Jennifer
McIntosh, Psychologist/Director of Family Transitions, Australia
- Carole
McKnight, Consultant, Family Justice Services, Ministry of Attorney General,
British Columbia
- Nina Meierding, Mediator, California
- Crystal
Reeves, Legal Researcher, Social Planning Council of British Columbia (SPARC
- Irene
Robertson, Director, Family Justice Services Division, Ministry of Attorney
General, British Columbia
- Donald
Saposnek, Psychologist/Mediator,
- Arnold
Shienvold, Psychologist/Mediator, Pennsylvania
- Harvey
Steinberg, Psychologist, Toronto, Ontario
- Liz
Trinder, Newcastle Center For Family Studies, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
- The
Honourable Madame Justice
Trussler, Calgary, Alberta
- Dan
VanderSluis, Acting Regional Manager, Ministry of Attorney General, British
- Melissa
Wallace, Manager of Programs and Operations in the Ministry Of Justice and
Attorney General, Saskatchewan
- Suzanne
Williams, Deputy and Legal
Director, International Institute for Child Rights and Development, Kelowna,
British Columbia
- Louise
Woodfine, Collaborative Family Practice, Quebec
- Date modified: