[1] B. Bacon and B. McKenzie, Best Practices in Parent Information and Education Programs After Separation and Divorce: Final Report, Child and Family Services Research Group, Winnipeg, February 2001.
[2]Mandatory Parenting After Separation Pilot: First Evaluation Report, Ministry of the Attorney General, British Columbia, July 1999. Mandatory Parenting After Separation Pilot: Final Evaluation Report, Ministry of the Attorney General, British Columbia, October 2000.
[3] J. Sieppert et al., An Evaluation of Alberta’s Parenting after Separation Seminars, Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, December 1999.
[4] B. McKenzie, For the Sake of the Children: An Evaluation of a Parent Education Program for Separating and Divorcing Parents, Phase 2 Final Report, Child and Family Study Series, University of Manitoba, July 2000.
[5] B. Bradford, Positive Parenting From Two Homes: Final Report Evaluation of Pilot Parent Education Program in Prince Edward Island (Background Paper), Child Support Team, Department of Justice Canada, BP28E 2000.
[6] Elizabeth A. Wilkie, Historical Reflections and Future Directions: Saskatchewan Justice Mediation Services: Family Programs Evaluation, January 2000.
[7] B. McKenzie, Evaluation of Comprehensive Co-Mediation and Mediation Internship Pilot Project: Interim Report, Child and Family Study Series, July 2000.
[8] A judicial proceeding, order, injunction is said to be ex parte when it is taken or granted at the instance and for the benefit of one party only, and without notice to, or contestation by, any person adversely affected (Black’s Law Dictionary. 6th ed. 1990).
[9]Final Report on the Evaluation of the Court of Queen’s Bench Child Support Centres, Praxis for Alberta Justice, March 2000.
[10] R. Birnbaum and D. Moyal, Visitation Based Disputes Arising on Separation and Divorce: Differential Intervention. Department of Justice Canada, 2000.
[11]The Final Evaluation Report: Support Application Worker Program, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2000.
[12] Elizabeth A. Wilkie, Historical Reflections and Future Directions: Saskatchewan Justice Mediation Services, Family Programs Evaluation, January 2000.
[13] J. Sieppert et al., An Evaluation of Alberta’s Parenting After Separation Seminars, Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, December 1999.
[14] A judicial proceeding, order, injunction is said to be ex parte when it is taken or granted at the instance and for the benefit of one party only, and without notice to, or contestation by, any person adversely affected (Black’s Law Dictionary. 6th ed. 1990).
[15] J. Sieppert et al., An Evaluation of Alberta’s Parenting after Separation Seminars, Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family, December 1999.
[16]Final Report on the Evaluation of the Court of Queen’s Bench Child Support Centres, Praxis for Alberta Justice, March 2000.
[17] These are federal-provincial-territorial committees working on child support guidelines and related issues.
[18]Mandatory Parenting After Separation Pilot: First Evaluation Report, Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia, July 1999.
[19]Mandatory Parenting After Separation Pilot: Final Evaluation Report, Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia, October 2000.
[20] T. Roberts, An Evaluation of Child Support Clerk Functions: Final Report, Ministry of Attorney General, Victoria, B.C., January 2000.
[21] R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd., Implementation Report: Rule 5 Project Evaluation, British Columbia, March 2000.
[22] B. McKenzie, For the Sake of the Children: An Evaluation of a Parent Education Program for Separating and Divorcing Parents, Phase 2 Final Report, Child and Family Study Series, University of Manitoba, July 2000.
[23] B. McKenzie, Evaluation of Comprehensive Co-Mediation and Mediation Internship Pilot Project: Interim Report, Child and Family Study Series, July 2000.
[24] Institute for Human Resource Development, Evaluation of the Parents Are Forever Program for Separating and Divorcing Parents (Background Paper), Ottawa, Department of Justice Canada, Child Support Team, BP19E 2000.
[25]The Final Evaluation Report: Support Application Worker Program, Newfoundland and Labrador, 2000.
[26] C. James Richardson, Evaluation of the Nova Scotia Child Support Guidelines Intake Assistant Program (Background Paper). Ottawa, Department of Justice Canada, Child Support Team, BP22E 2000.
[27] R. Birnbaum and D. Moyal, Visitation Based Disputes Arising in Separation and Divorce: Differential Interventions, Department of Justice Canada 2000.
[28] B. Bradford, Positive Parenting From Two Homes: Final Report Evaluation of Pilot Parent Education Program in Prince Edward Island (Background Paper), Child Support Team, Department of Justice Canada, BP28E 2000.
[29] Elizabeth A. Wilkie, Historical Reflections and Future Directions: Saskatchewan Justice Mediation Services, Family Programs Evaluation, January 2000.