Immigration and Refugee Legal Aid Cost Drivers

Chart 9: Increasing Number of Expedited Interviews - Average Cost per Case

Chart 9 is a line chart which illustrates the increasing number of expedited interviews per 1000 referrals by the average cost per case.

The X axis represents the EP interviews per 1000 claims referred ranging from 0 to 400 in intervals of 25.

The Y axis measures the average cost per case ranging from $1,400 to $1,560 in intervals of $20, 00.

Overall, the shape of the line resembles that of an inverted bell curve. In other terms, for 150 to 200 interviews per 1000 claims, the average cost is lowest at approximately $1,450. For both extremities, that is, 0 and 350 interviews per 1000 claims, the average cost per case is nearly $1,500.