Methamphetamine Report for Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice
July 2007
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- Jobe-Armstrong, M. (2005). Community Guide: Strategies and Interventions for Dealing with Crystal Methamphetamine and Other Emerging Drug Trends.
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- National Institute on Drug Abuse (2002). Methamphetamine Abuse and Addiction. Research Report Series.
- National Drug Intelligence Center (2000). Information Bulletin: Children at Risk. United States Department of Justice. July. pp. 1-2.
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- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada (2004). US-Canada Drug Threat Assessment-2004. Ottawa Ontario: Government of Canada.
- Rawson, R., Gonzales, R., & Brethen, P. (2002). Treatment of Methamphetamine Use Disorders: An Update. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. 23: 146.
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- Rintoul, S. (2004). What is the Scope of the Methamphetamine Issue? Local and Western Canadian Perspectives. Paper presented at Western Canadian Summit on Methamphetamine. November 15-17. Vancouver BC.
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- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
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- Suwaki, H. et al. (1997). Methamphetamine Abuse in Japan: Its 45-Year History and the Current Situation. In Amphetamine Misuse: International Perspectives on Current Trend, ed. H. Klee. Cited in: Province of British Columbia. 2004. State of the Knowledge Report: Methamphetamine, Appendix I. Crystal Methamphetamine and Other Amphetamines: An Integrated Strategy.
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- United Nations (2005). World Drug Report. Vienna: Office on Drugs and Crime.
- United Nations (2003). Ecstasy and Amphetamines: Global Survey. Vienna: Office on Drugs and Crime.
- United States Government Accountability Office (2005). Adult Drug Courts: Evidence Indicates Recidivism Reductions and Mixed Results for Other Outcomes. Washington DC: Report to Congressional Committees. February.
- Weekes, J., Ginsburg, J., and Chitty, P. (2004). Increasing Offender Participation in Programs. Reintegration Programs Division, Correctional Service of Canada.
- Western Canadian Summit on Methamphetamine (2005). Bringing Together Practitioners, Policy Makers and Researchers, Consensus Panel Report. Vancouver BC.
- Wild, C. (2005). Lecture Notes. Edmonton, Alberta. University of Alberta. December 17.
- Zickler, P. (2004). Long-Term Abstinence From Methamphetamine Damage. NIDA Notes. 19(4).
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