Methamphetamine Report for Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers Responsible for Justice

Executive Summary

The purpose of this paper is to examine the nature and extent of methamphetamine use across Canada and to provide recommendations to reduce its consumption, production, trafficking, and community impact. The paper is divided into five different sections, which highlight various governmental responsibilities and the history of methamphetamine use. It includes 25 recommendations addressing six different areas of government action: legislation, stakeholder collaboration, research, database development, program development, and resourcing.

Section I provides an overview of the Working Group created to address this problem. The mandate of the group is described, along with the tasks and responsibilities of its members.

Section II gives an overview of the historical and medical use of methamphetamine, including a detailed description of its current production and use. Existing legislation dealing with methamphetamine is described, along with the regulations to control the chemical precursors of methamphetamine production. Recent initiatives to address methamphetamine use in Canada are discussed, including regional collaborative efforts among the western provinces and federal government.

Section III provides greater insight into the recent trends of methamphetamine production, trafficking and use. Evidence of recent concerns is discussed, along with the impact of the drug on the criminal justice system, communities, and family members. An overview of production is provided, along with the current picture of clandestine laboratories in Canada.

Section IV outlines recommendations that are proposed to reduce supply and demand. Highlights include:

Section V concludes the report by providing an overview of the themes highlighted in the paper and the need to monitor the future trends of methamphetamine use.

Summary of Recommendations


The Working Group recommends the following amendments to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA):

Collaborative Action

The Working Group recognizes that strong collaboration by various stakeholders is essential if there are to be any significant, enduring outcomes. This approach should:


Database Development

Program Development


Ensure appropriate levels of government support for information and prevention programs delivered by communities to address problems associated with the production, trafficking, and use of methamphetamine (Recommendation 2).