Department of Justice Canada Minister's Transition Book
Biographical Notes
Department of Justice
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J.S. (Bill) Basran [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] and was called to the bar in 1995. That same year, Mr. Basran joined the Tax Law section of the Department of Justice in the British Columbia Region.
In 2002, after a period of time working in the Senior Regional Director's Office on innovative initiatives involving training, orientation, and the recruitment and hiring of articling students and counsel, Mr. Basran returned to the Tax Law section in his new capacity as Senior Counsel and Team Leader of the Informal Procedure Group.
In 2004, Mr. Basran became General Counsel and Tax Law section Director, managing a group of over 60 lawyers and staff responsible for federal civil tax litigation in British Columbia. Mr. Basran has appeared for the Government of Canada in the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court Trial Division, and the Federal Court of Appeal.
In October 2007, Mr. Basran became the Regional Director General of the British Columbia Regional Office. He is responsible for more than 400 employees who provide legal services to more than 30 federal departments and agencies in British Columbia.
In addition to his duties as the Regional Director General, Mr. Basran is the department’s Champion for Visible Minorities, the Pro Bono Champion and Chair of the department’s Pro Bono Steering Committee. Mr. Basran was instrumental in developing Justice Canada’s first Pro Bono Policy for Justice lawyers.
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Tom Beveridge [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] He joined the Department of Justice in Toronto in 1990 as a prosecutor. He was the Deputy Director of the Federal Prosecution Service in Toronto until January 2001 when he moved to Ottawa, where he was General Counsel and Director General of the International Assistance Group, position he held until 2009.
Mr. Beveridge has appeared as prosecuting counsel in the trial courts, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of Canada, and has frequently represented the requesting state in extradition and mutual legal assistance matters.
Mr. Beveridge is co-author along with Elaine Krivel Q.C., and John Hayward of A Practical Guide to Canadian Extradition and author of “Extradition” in the Canadian Encyclopedic Digest.
Mr. Beveridge was appointed Regional Director General in July 2009.
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Geoffrey Bickert was called to the Bar of Alberta in 1976 and has since been a member of the Law Societies of the Northwest Territories and Yukon. He is currently a member of the Law Society of British Columbia. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1991.
Mr. Bickert began his law career in private practice in Edmonton, Alberta. He joined the Department of Justice Canada as a federal prosecutor in Yellowknife in 1979. In 1987, he left Justice Canada to join the Government of the Northwest Territories, as Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General until 1995. Mr. Bickert returned to the Department of Justice and, from 1997 to 2012, held several senior level positions including Executive Director/Senior General Counsel of the Fisheries and Oceans Legal Services Unit prior to being appointed as ADAG.
As ADAG, Litigation Branch, Mr. Bickert oversees all civil litigation involving the federal government. He also chairs the National Litigation Committee, which provides recommendations to the Minister of Justice on significant litigation, interventions and appeals to the Supreme Court of Canada.
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Francisco Couto [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] He was called to the bar in 1989, and joined the Quebec Regional Office the same year as a litigator, appearing before all Quebec courts and the Federal Courts.
In April 2011, Mr. Couto was appointed Regional Director General for the Quebec Regional Office. He is co-champion of the Department’s National Mentoring Program. He is also Chair of the Bar of Montreal’s Liaison Committee with the Federal Court of Appeal and Federal Court and is a lecturer at École du Barreau du Québec, in public and administrative law.
Mr. Couto sits on the Quebec Federal Council where he is the sponsor of the National Managers Community.
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Elisabeth Eid [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She was called to the Law Society of Upper Canada and the Barreau du Québec.
She joined the Department of Justice in 1992 as counsel at Legal Services, Canadian Heritage. In 1996, she joined the Human Rights Law Section (HRLS). From 2004 to 2010, she was the Director General and Senior General Counsel of the HRLS.
In 2010, Ms. Eid was appointed Deputy Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Public Safety Defence and Immigration (PSDI) Portfolio. Position she held until her appointment as the Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the PSDI, in June 2014. In this capacity, she manages the War Crimes Program and oversees the provision of legal services to 9 portfolio clients.
Ms. Eid was appointed Co-champion for Official Languages by the Deputy Minister.
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Philippe Hallée [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] He has been a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1991.
Mr. Hallée began his career at the Department of Justice in 1992. After two years working in the Headquarters Regulations Section, he joined the Legislation Section where he worked for over nine years drafting government bills. In subsequent years, Mr. Hallée led the team in charge of professional development for legislative counsel before moving on to managing the Advisory and Development Services Group, followed by the Transport Canada Regulations Section.
Mr. Hallée had been acting in the position of Chief Legislative Counsel from January 2013, before his appointment in July 2013. Previous to that, Mr. Hallée occupied the position of Deputy Chief Legislative Counsel since October 2007.
Mr. Hallée was appointed Co-champion for Official Languages by the Deputy Minister.
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[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She has been a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1991.
Prior to joining the public service, Ms. Hassan [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)]
Ms. Hassan began her public service career in the Department of Justice in 2000 as counsel for the Civil Code Section and later with the Legislative Services Branch working on the legislative bijuralism initiative (tax legislation). In 2006, she was appointed Executive Director and General Counsel, Tax Counsel Division of the Department of Finance Legal Services, providing advice and legal services in relation to tax policy and the drafting of tax legislation.
Ms. Hassan was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister, Central Agencies Portfolio in April 2011. She had been acting in that position since October 2010.
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Ms. Hjartarson [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] Ms. Hjartarson articled with Quain Dioguardi in Ottawa and has been a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1982.
Ms. Hjartarson began her career in the Department of Justice in 1982 as legal counsel for the Department of Agriculture, Legal Services. In 1983, she became legal counsel with the Opinions and Precedents Retrieval Unit. In 1984, she transferred to the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Legal Services Unit where she worked until she moved to the Northwest Territories in 1991.
In 1994, she accepted a position as legal counsel for the Civil Litigation and Advisory Services Section of the Northwest Territories Regional Office in Yellowknife, a position she held until 2002 when she was appointed Director. From December 2006 to August 2007, Ms. Hjartarson held the position of Regional Director of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut Regional Offices.
In September 2007, Ms. Hjartarson became Acting Senior Regional Director of the Northern Region until her appointment as Regional Director General in January 2009. Ms. Hjartarson is responsible for the management of the Northern Region, including the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. In addition, as Champion of NextGen, she encourages, supports and promotes the Department’s Youth Network. She is the Department’s representative on the Northern Federal Council and Vice-Chair of its NWT Table.
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Pierre Legault has an LL.L. and an LL.B. from the University of Ottawa and is a member of the Barreau du Québec.
Mr. Legault joined the Department of Justice in 1982, working as counsel for Energy, Mines and Resources Legal Services. He then worked for Finance and General Legal Services, before moving on to be the Senior Counsel and Manager, National Capital Commission Legal Services. He also served as Corporate Secretary, Access to Information Coordinator, and as Senior Counsel and Manager for Investment Canada Legal Services from 1990 to 1993.
From 1993 to 2002, Mr. Legault held various positions at Industry Canada Legal Services, including Senior Counsel, General Counsel, and Senior General Counsel and Manager, Commercial Law Division. From 2002 until 2008, he was Senior General Counsel and Manager for Industry Canada Legal Services and for the Industry Portfolio.
From 2008 until his current appointment, Mr. Legault was Assistant Deputy Minister, Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio.
Mr. Legault was appointed Associate Deputy Minister of the Department of Justice in July 2012.
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Yanike Legault [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] and is a member of the Barreau du Québec.
Ms. Legault joined the Department of Justice in 2003 as Counsel in the Ministerial secretariat.
Prior to that, she held various positions at the Privy Council Office in the Legislative and House Planning Section as well as the Democratic Reform Team. She also practiced law in the private sector for two years before joining the federal government.
Ms. Legault was appointed Director of the Ministerial Secretariat in July 2015. She had been acting in this position since December 2014 and prior to that was the Chief of the Parliamentary Affairs Unit for 6 six years.
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Lynn Lovett [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Ms. Lovett joined the Department of Justice in 1997 as Counsel in the Crimes against Humanity and War Crimes Section. She became the Senior Counsel and Deputy Director in 2001 and occupied that position for five years. In that role, she worked with the Program Partners (CIC, CBSA, RCMP) to deliver the WWII and Modern aspects of the War Crimes Program.
Prior to joining the Department of Justice, Ms. Lovett was Counsel for the Commission of Inquiry into the Deployment of Canadian Forces to Somalia from 1995 to 1997. From 2006 to 2008, Ms. Lovett was the Departmental Policy Advisor to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada. She joined the Legal Services Unit at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans in September 2008 as General Counsel and Deputy Director. She became the Executive Director and Senior General Counsel at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Legal Services Unit in March 2009 and remained in that role until December 2011. In January 2012, she was part of the Defence team as the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces Legal Advisor (CFLA).
In June 2013, Ms. Lovett joined the Business and Regulatory Law Portfolio as Deputy Assistant Deputy Minister and has been acting Assistant Deputy Minister since August 2015.
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Carla Lyon [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] Following her call to the Ontario Bar in 1982, Ms. Lyon joined the Toronto Regional Office of the Department of Justice as a solicitor in the Advisory, Commercial and Property Section.
Over the years, Ms. Lyon has provided advisory and transactional legal services in the commercial and property fields for many clients and, most importantly, for Transport Canada in its implementation of the National Airports Policy.
Ms. Lyon became the Director of the Advisory, Commercial and Property Section in 1993 and the Director of the Business and Aboriginal Law Sections in 1996 in the Toronto Regional Office. In 2001, she became Senior General Counsel and the Associate Senior Regional Director of the Office.
Ms. Lyon became the Regional Director General of the Ontario Region in July 2008.
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[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Over the course of 25 years with the federal public service, Ms. McCurry has held a number of positions that have provided her with a wide variety of strategic, operational and legal experience. She has served in legal services for a number of years and as a legal policy advisor on policy priorities and planning. She also led departmental operations business planning and strategic management support as well as secretariat support to departmental senior decision-making processes.
Ms. McCurry has extensive experience in transformation initiatives and expertise in governance issues, organizational design, change management and corporate service delivery. She has provided a range of strategic and operational advice to senior officials in these areas.
Ms. McCurry served as Senior General Counsel for Aboriginal Law and Strategic Policy from 2002 to 2005, and occupied the position of Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Aboriginal Affairs from 2005 to 2009 at the Department of Justice.
Ms. McCurry was appointed Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Aboriginal Affairs Portfolio in January 2010. Before this appointment, she was Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy and Strategic Direction at the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs.
In 2014, Ms. McCurry received the Public Service Award for Management Excellence.
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Prior to coming to the Department of Justice Canada, Ms. Noftle worked for the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) as the Director General responsible for overseeing the management and administration of the Commissioner’s Office as well as the Intergovernmental and International files. Ms. Noftle has a solid background in government communications and outreach having worked in this area since 2002. She also held key executive positions at Employment and Social Development Canada, Labour Program and CSC in this field.
Ms. Noftle has always held an interest in social media and innovation. In the past, she has been a co-presenter for social media in government courses and a speaker at the 44th International Council on Information Technology in Government Administration in Washington, D.C.
In her current role, she is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the communications function for the Department including their web, social media, media relations, strategic communications, external and internal presence as well as advancing the "Digital First" approach to communications.
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Before joining the Department of Justice, Ms. Pégeot was Assistant Deputy Minister of Strategic Policy at the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Prior to this, she led the regional operations of the Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency and worked to create the Southern Ontario Economic Development Agency, serving as its first Vice-President. This followed on her role as Vice-President of Canada Economic Development for the regions of Quebec.
Ms. Pégeot joined the Department in December 2013 in the role of Special Advisor to the Deputy Minister. In June 2014, she accepted the position of Assistant Deputy Minister of the Change Management Office. Her responsibilities include the implementation of the legal services review, business analysis, and the funding model and organizational structure review.
William F. Pentney holds a Bachelor of Arts from Queen’s University, and a Bachelor of Laws and Master of Public Law from the University of Ottawa. Mr. Pentney is the author of several books and articles, including the revised edition of Justice Tarnopolsky’s text Discrimination and the Law in Canada, and Human Rights and Freedoms in Canada: Cases, Notes and Materials (with Mark Berlin).
Mr. Pentney joined the Public Service in 1991 as General Counsel and Director of Legal Services at the Canadian Human Rights Commission, where he remained until 1999. Prior to joining the public service, Mr. Pentney was Professor in the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa.
From 1999 to 2006, Mr. Pentney held a number of positions at the Department of Justice, including Senior Assistant Deputy Minister of the Policy Sector, and Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Citizenship, Immigration and Public Safety Portfolio.
From October 2006 to December 2007, Mr. Pentney was Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Priorities and Planning at the Privy Council Office. From January 2008 to August 2010, Mr. Pentney served as Associate Deputy Minister of the Department of National Defence.
Mr. Pentney became Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet, Plans and Consultation at the Privy Council Office in September 2010, and held that position until his appointment as Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada on November 5, 2012.
In December 2014, Mr. Pentney was honoured with the Queen’s Counsel designation, which is presented to members of the federal public service who have demonstrated leadership in their professional lives, raised esteem for the legal profession, and made outstanding contributions to the development of the law.
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Donald K. Piragoff attended the Universities of Winnipeg, Manitoba and Toronto, where he obtained Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law and Masters of Law degrees. He was called to the Manitoba Bar in 1979. He joined the Department of Justice in 1981. Mr. Piragoff was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2013.
During his career at Justice, he has worked on various criminal law-related legislative and policy initiatives, both national and international. Internationally, he has represented Canada at the G8, Council of Europe, Commonwealth, Organization of American States, and the United Nations, as well as other international meetings. He was a member of the Canadian delegations to the various Preparatory Committees for the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries that negotiated the Rome Statute and the Rules of the ICC, including the coordination of negotiations and drafting of various articles and rules related to criminal law and evidence.
He has taught at Osgoode Hall Law School at York University in Toronto in 1980-1981, and at the Faculty of Law, McGill University in Montreal from 1993 to 1998. He has also authored a book entitled Similar Fact Evidence and several other publications.
Mr. Piragoff became Senior Assistant Deputy Minister, Policy Sector, in October 2006.
In October 2011, the Deputy Minister appointed him Champion for Multiculturalism.
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[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] completed the “Leadership Across Boarders” Program offered to Public Service Executives.
After spending 12 years at Public Works and Government Services Canada, Ms. Poliquin joined the Defence Team in March 2001; and then was appointed Director General, Workforce Development, ADM (HR-Civ) in December 2010.
In June 2011, she received the Deputy Minister/Chief of the Defence Staff Innovation Award recognizing her work on the design and delivery of the EX Orientation Course to DND, a unique and innovative learning activity in the federal public service.
In April 2013, Ms. Poliquin joined the Department of Justice as the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Minister and Deputy Attorney General.
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Ms. Ritzen joined the Department of Justice in 1983 as an articling student. From 1984 to 1998, she worked as counsel in the Department’s Edmonton office. In that capacity, she represented the federal government in a wide variety of cases and appeared in all levels of court including the Supreme Court of Canada. Between 1998 and 2004, Ms. Ritzen held various management positions in the Edmonton office and the Prairie Region of the Department of Justice. From 2008 to 2013, she led a major national initiative aimed at effectively positioning the Department for the future.
Ms. Ritzen has been the Regional Director General for the Prairie Region since 2004. In that capacity she is responsible for the Department’s operations in the three Prairie provinces (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba).
Ms. Ritzen is also the Departmental Champion for Persons with Disabilities.
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From 1985 to 2004, Ms. Thivierge occupied various positions of increasing responsibility at Industry Canada. She was also a member and Study Group Chair of the Commonwealth Study Conference (1998) and a Career Assignment Program Participant with the Public Service of Canada.
Ms. Thivierge held various executive positions in the government. From 2004 to 2007, she held the position of Assistant Deputy Minister, Learning Branch, Human Resources and Social Development Canada. From 2007 to 2013, she was the Assistant Deputy Minister, Small Business, Tourism and Marketplace Services, Industry Canada, after her assignment with the Privy Council Office as Acting Assistant Secretary to the Cabinet, Economic and Regional Development Policy.
Ms. Thivierge was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister and Chief Financial Officer, Management and CFO Sector, at the Department of Justice, in May 2013.
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[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] Micheline Van-Erum joined the Department of Justice in 1983 as a student. She has been a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1985.
Ms. Van-Erum held the position of Deputy Director of the Civil Litigation Directorate at the Quebec Regional Office from 2000 to 2001 and was a civil litigator for more than 14 years. From 2001 to 2006, she held the position of the region’s Director of the Regulatory Law Directorate.
Ms. Van-Erum was appointed Assistant Deputy Attorney General for the Tax Law Services Portfolio in October 2010. Prior to her appointment, Ms. Van-Erum was the Regional Director General of the Quebec Regional Office.
In addition to her official roles, Ms. Van-Erum has been involved in a number of departmental initiatives. She is the national champion of paralegals.
Besides being a member of numerous committees in the Department and at the Canada Revenue Agency, Ms. Van-Erum is a member of the Board of Governors of the Canadian Tax Foundation and a member of the Canadian Bar Association Liaison Committee with the Tax Court of Canada.
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Laurie Wright [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] and clerked at both the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada.
She joined the Department in 1994 as counsel in the then Constitutional and International Law Section where she practiced constitutional law as well as public and private international law. In 1996, she moved to the Canadian Unity Group where she worked on national unity issues and most particularly both the constitutional and international aspects of the Secession Reference.
Following her return to Public Law Sector in 1998, she had the privilege of working on varied and exciting files in areas such as constitutional amendments, the division of powers, national security, and democratic reform, developing an expertise in constitutional law. In particular, she coordinated Department of Justice legal advice on the federal-provincial-territorial Social Union Framework Agreement, on the Canada-U.S. Smart Border Accord and on democratic reform initiatives.
She was also part of the counsel team representing Canada in two cases before the International Court of Justice: Fisheries Jurisdiction (Spain v. Canada) and Legality of Use of Force (Serbia Montenegro v. Canada).
Ms. Wright is the Assistant Deputy Minister of the Public Law Sector. She was appointed to that position in July 2013. Prior to that, she was Senior General Counsel and Director General of the Constitutional, Administrative and International Law Section.
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[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She also has a number of professional designations: Certified General Accountant (CGA), Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and Certified Risk Management Assurance Professional (CRMA). Ms. Yazar [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)]
From 2001 to 2010, Ms. Yazar held various roles in both finance and internal audit at National Capital Commission, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and Health Canada, and worked on developing multi-year, multi-million dollar capital plans, business cases and TB submissions, resource management, financial reporting, risk-based audit planning, and auditing.
Prior to her current role, Ms. Yazar held the position of Director, Governance at Natural Resources Canada and Director, Internal Audit at Infrastructure Canada over a five- year period. In these roles, she directed numerous audit and advisory projects to support the important mandate of these departments on areas such as energy, forestry, grants and contributions, and infrastructure projects as well as managing relations with external auditors such as the Office of Auditor General, the Office of the Procurement Ombudsman, the Public Service Commission.
Ms. Yazar was appointed Chief Audit Executive to the Department of Justice in April 2015.
Justice Portfolio
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Roger Bilodeau is a native of Ste-Agathe, Manitoba. He studied common law in French and received his law degree (LL.B.) from the Université de Moncton in 1981. In 1987, he completed graduate studies in law (LL.M.) at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina.
He has been admitted to the Law Society of Manitoba, the Law Society of New Brunswick and the Law Society of Upper Canada. He is also a member of the Canadian Bar Association.
He has practiced law in Manitoba, New Brunswick and Ontario. He was also a professor of law at the Faculté de droit de l'Université de Moncton. From 1999 to 2003, he had the privilege of serving as Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister of Justice for New Brunswick.
He also worked with a Canadian consortium on a capacity- building project aimed at strengthening democratic governance in Iraq, focusing on the management of language diversity and the protection and the promotion of human rights, as well as women's political participation.
During the course of his career, he has presented cases in both official languages in all Manitoba and New Brunswick courts, in the Supreme Court and the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia, as well as in the Federal Court of Canada. He also acted as one of the senior counsel to the Commission of Inquiry into Air India Flight 182.
Since March 2009, he occupies the position of Registrar of the Supreme Court of Canada.
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William A. Brooks [Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] and has been a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada since 1980. He has more than 30 years of legal experience in both the private and public sectors.
Mr. Brooks was appointed to the position of Commissioner for Federal Judicial Affairs in August 2011.
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Daniel Gosselin is a Fellow of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Quebec and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Université du Québec à Hull.
Before joining the federal public service, Mr. Gosselin worked at the Centre hospitalier régional de l’Outaouais where he was in charge of budgetary control, and also practiced in the private sector at the accounting firms of Touche Ross and Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.
Before his appointment at the Courts Administration Service (CAS), Mr. Gosselin was Vice-President of Corporate Management and Chief Financial Officer at the National Research Council. He also held the position of Executive Director of Finance and Awards Administration for the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He worked at the National Capital Commission where he occupied the positions of Senior Financial Analyst, Chief Accountant and Director of Finance and Procurement.
Mr. Gosselin currently serves on the Comité des comptables agréés dans le secteur public de l’ordre des comptables agréés du Québec. He has been very involved in his community, most notably in the areas of health, education and youth. He also teaches at the École nationale d'administration publique.
Daniel Gosselin was appointed Chief Administrator of the CAS on January 31, 2011.
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Bernard Grenier received a Bachelor of Law from the University of Montreal in 1966. Since his call to the Barreau du Québec in 1966, Mr. Grenier has held a variety of positions related to criminal law, including a position as a full-time defence lawyer with the Legal Aid Office in Montréal, and various positions with the Law Reform Commission of Canada and the Department of Justice. He has taught criminal law at McGill University, at the Barreau du Québec Association Admission School, as well as at the Universities of Laval and Montréal. He was appointed Justice to the Court of Quebec, Criminal Division in 1981, a position he held until his retirement in November 2002.
Mr. Grenier held various positions with the National Judicial Institute and participated in many national and international panels and seminars on the subject of criminal law. He was appointed as Special Advisor on November 20, 2003.
Ms. Landry completed her Bachelor of Law degree at the University of Sherbrooke and was called to the Quebec Bar in 1989. She is the founder of the successful law firm Landry Boucher and Associates in Cowansville, Quebec. Her legal practice has included labour law, civil law, and corporate and commercial law. Ms. Landry has extensive litigation and mediation experience and is an accredited mediator for small claims.
Ms. Landry is very familiar with the administration of the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Employment Equity Act, having served 10 years on the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (1991-2001), where she conducted hearings in English and French.
An active member of her professional community, Ms. Landry has been a recipient of numerous awards, including the Advocatus Emeritus Award granted by the Barreau du Québec in 2009, and the Leadership Award of the Association québécoise d'établissements de santé et de services sociaux in 2008. In 2005, she was honoured by the University of Sherbrooke for her professional, social and community involvement.
Since 2009, Ms. Landry has served on the Disciplinary Tribunal in Federal Prison Institutions for the Quebec Region. Her work also included the establishment of uniform and clear rules of practice, working collaboratively with other independent chairpersons from other regions in the country.
Ms. Landry was appointed Chief Commissioner of the Canadian Human Rights Commission in March 2015.
Suzanne Legault holds a Bachelor of Civil Law and a Bachelor of Common Law from McGill Law School, which she obtained in 1988. Prior to joining the public service, Ms. Legault practised law as a criminal defence lawyer from 1991 to 1996, as well as Crown prosecutor from 1994 to 1996.
Ms. Legault began her career in the public service in 1996 at the Competition Bureau, where she held increasingly senior positions, including Special Advisor to the Commissioner of Competition. She then served as Legal Counsel with the Department of Justice before returning to the Competition Bureau where she was Assistant Deputy Commissioner, Legislative Affairs, then Deputy Commissioner, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs.
In 2006, she participated in the Federal Public Servant in Residence Program and worked with Dr. David Zussman, Jarislowsky Chair in Public Sector Management at the University of Ottawa.
Ms. Legault was Assistant Commissioner for the Office of the Information Commissioner of Canada since June 18, 2007, responsible for the Policy, Communications and Operations Branch. After serving for one year as the Interim Information Commissioner, Ms. Legault was appointed as Information Commissioner of Canada on June 30, 2010.
Sue O’Sullivan holds a B.A. in Law and Sociology with a subtitle in Criminology and Corrections from Carleton University and is a graduate of the Police Leadership Program (Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and the University of Toronto).
Throughout her 30-year law-enforcement career, Ms. O’Sullivan has served in Patrol, Criminal Investigative Services and Operations Support. Ms. O’Sullivan has been a member of the Leadership in Counter Terrorism Alumni Association, a group of senior professional executives who work together to influence local, national and international counter terrorism strategy, and acted as an advisor to the Auditor General of Canada on National Security in Canada for the 2001 Anti- Terrorism Initiative Audit.
Ms. O’Sullivan has continually advocated to increase the efficiency of services to victims. Prior to her appointment, Ms. O’Sullivan worked with stakeholders from the victim services community and all three levels of government to develop a co- ordinated victim assistance program.
Ms. O’Sullivan has been recognized for her leadership both within the service and in the community. Her honours include the Governor General’s Officer of the Order of Merit of the Police Forces Award, the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal, the Governor General’s Exemplary Service Medal and the House of Commons Leadership Award, the YM-YWCA Women of Distinction Award, the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre Quality of Life Award, and the Circle of Canadians Community Service Award.
Ms. O’Sullivan began her term as Canada’s Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime on August 16, 2010.
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A graduate of the Université de Moncton, Marie-France Pelletier completed her Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in French and a minor in English in 1990, and a Bachelor of Laws in 1993. She was called to the New Brunswick Bar in 1994.
Prior to her appointment as Chief Administrator, Ms. Pelletier served as a Board member and Executive Vice-Chairperson of the Parole Board of Canada. She was first appointed to the Board as a full-time member for the Quebec region in 2008, and reappointed in 2009 as the Executive Vice-Chairperson. Ms. Pelletier was previously a senior advisor responsible for providing strategic advice to federal and provincial governments.
Ms. Pelletier has senior-level government and management experience, ranging from positions as Deputy Minister in the Government of New Brunswick to Senior Policy Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff to the Premier. She also served as Chief of Staff to the Principal and Vice Chancellor at McGill University.
Ms. Pelletier was appointed Chief Administrator of the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada on October 27, 2014.
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Brian J. Saunders has a Bachelor of Arts and an LL.B. from the University of Alberta and an LL.M. and a diploma in Legal Studies from Cambridge University. He is a member of the Bar of Ontario.
Mr. Saunders has had considerable experience in litigation involving the federal government in the areas of human rights, the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, administrative law and criminal law. He is a co-author of Federal Courts Practice, an annual publication since 1988, and of the Annotated Crown Liability and Proceedings Act 1995.
Mr. Saunders has held various positions within the Department of Justice Canada including Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Criminal Law; Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Citizenship, Immigration and Public Safety; and Senior General Counsel and Director General of the Ottawa Civil Litigation Section.
Mr. Saunders has held the position of Director of Public Prosecutions since May 28, 2009. Before being appointed as Director, he served as the Acting Director since December 12, 2006, when the Director of Public Prosecutions Act came into force establishing the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
Daniel Therrien holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Licence en droit from the University of Ottawa.
Mr. Therrien began his career practicing correctional law for the Department of the Solicitor General, the Correctional Service of Canada and the National Parole Board. He then practiced immigration law, serving as Senior General Counsel and Director, Citizenship and Immigration Legal Services, at the Department of Justice from 1990 to 2001. In that capacity, he played a key role in the development of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. He also served as Director General, Refugee Policy, at Citizenship and Immigration Canada from 2001 to 2002.
In 2002, he joined the office of the Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Citizenship and Immigration Portfolio, at the Department of Justice and became Assistant Deputy Minister in 2005. He held that position, renamed Assistant Deputy Attorney General, Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Portfolio, until his nomination as Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
As Assistant Deputy Attorney General of the Public Safety, Defence and Immigration Portfolio, Mr. Therrien co-led the negotiating team responsible for the adoption of privacy principles governing the sharing of information between Canada and the U.S. under the Beyond the Border accord. Mr. Therrien was appointed federal Privacy Commissioner on June 5, 2014.
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David Thomas attended the University of British Columbia and the American College of Switzerland, graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, in International Political Studies. He graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto and was called to the Bar of British Columbia in 1989. Mr. Thomas began his career at a large law firm in Vancouver. In 1994, he formed his own law firm to focus his practice on immigration and administrative law.
In private practice, Mr. Thomas was a regular guest speaker for the Canadian Bar Association, the BC Society for Continuing Legal Education and other professional organizations. His work has required extensive international travel and as such, Mr. Thomas is well experienced with numerous cultures, traditions and customs. Mr. Thomas also has a keen interest in international human rights, and has taken the opportunity to visit and research troubled regions around the world.
Mr. Thomas has served several non-profit organizations, including as President of the Canada-Korea Business Association, Chair of the West Vancouver Parks & Recreation Commission and Province President of Phi Delta Phi International Legal Honours Society.
He was appointed Chairperson of the Tribunal for a term of 7 years commencing on September 2, 2014.
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The Honourable B. Richard Bell was born in Woodstock, New Brunswick. He joined the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in 1973, graduated as valedictorian of his class, and served as a constable at various locations throughout Nova Scotia until 1976. He received a Bachelor of Laws in 1979 and a Master of Laws in 1998, both from Dalhousie University.
Mr. Justice Bell was called to the Bar of New Brunswick in 1979. He was a partner with Buchanan Bell from 1984 to 2000. He then became a senior partner with the firm McInnes Cooper from 2000 to 2006. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2004.
Mr. Justice Bell was appointed a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick, Trial Division, in 2006, and a judge of the Court of Appeal of New Brunswick in 2007.
During his more than 25 years in practice, Justice Bell appeared before numerous administrative tribunals and all levels of the courts, including the Federal Court, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada.
Justice Bell is a former President, Vice-President and Treasurer of the Canadian Bar Association, New Brunswick Branch, and a member of l’Association des juristes d’expression française du Nouveau-Brunswick and the Association of Trial Lawyers of America. He is the author of several legal publications.
He was appointed a judge of the Federal Court of Canada, a judge of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada, and Chief Justice of the Court Martial Appeal Court of Canada on February 5, 2015.
[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] He was admitted to the Bar of Ontario in 1988.
Between 1987 and 1991, he held various positions within the Competition Bureau, including Special Advisor to the Commissioner of Competition (formerly the Director of Investigation and Research). From 1992 to 2002, he was a partner in the Competition Law Group at Davies, Ward, Phillips and Vineberg LLP. Between 2002 and 2004, he was Head of Outreach, Competition Division of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Paris, France. In that capacity, he was responsible for overseeing the Organization’s work in the competition field with developing and transitioning countries. From 2004 to 2009, he was a partner in the Competition Law Group at Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP, in Toronto.
He is a past Chair of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Task Force on Competition Law and Policy; a former member of the International Chamber of Commerce’s Working Party on International Competition Law Convergence; a former member of the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council’s Competition Principles Working Group; and a past Chair of committees of the Competition Law Section of the Canadian Bar Association and the Section of International Law and Practice of the American Bar Association. He also is the author of Mergers and the Competition Act, a leading text on the merger provisions of the Competition Act, and of numerous articles published in domestic and international journals. He has spoken extensively on competition law throughout the world.
Justice Crampton was first appointed a judge of the Federal Court in November 2009, and a member of the Competition Tribunal in March 2010. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Federal Court on December 16, 2011.
The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin was born and raised in southern Alberta. She attended the University of Alberta in Edmonton, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Master of Arts in Philosophy (1964) and an LL.B. (1968). She has also been awarded several honorary degrees.
Chief Justice McLachlin articled in Edmonton and practised law in Edmonton, Fort St. John, and Vancouver from 1968 to 1971. She taught at the Faculty of Law of the University of British Columbia from 1975 to 1981.
In 1981, Chief Justice McLachlin was appointed to the County Court of Vancouver. She was elevated to the Supreme Court of British Columbia later that year and to the Court of Appeal of British Columbia in 1986. In 1988, she became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, where she served until her appointment to the Supreme Court of Canada in 1989.
Chief Justice McLachlin has authored numerous publications. She has served as Chair of the Canadian Judicial Council, Chair of the Advisory Council of the Order of Canada, and Chair of the Board of Governors of the National Judicial Institute.
She was appointed Chief Justice of Canada on January 7, 2000. She is also a member of the Privy Council of Canada.
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Chief Justice Marc Noel was born in Quebec, Quebec. He graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor of Arts, a Bachelor of Civil Law and a Bachelor of Common Law, and was called to the Bar of Quebec and the Bar of Ontario. Prior to his appointment as Chief Justice, he was partner in the Montreal office of Bennett Jones Verchere. He was also a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, McGill University; the Quebec Bar School and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. He was appointed Queen's Counsel in 1990.
Chief Justice Noel was appointed Judge of the Federal Court of Canada, Trial Division and ex officio member of the Court of Appeal and Judge of the Court Martial Appeal Court in 1992. He was appointed a member of the Competition Tribunal in 1993 and Judge of the Federal Court of Canada, Appeal Division, in 1998. Since 2003, the date of the coming into force of the Courts Administration Service Act, he has been Judge of the Federal Court of Appeal. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Appeal on October 9, 2014.
Eugene P. Rossiter was educated at St. Francis Xavier University (B.B.A., 1974) and Dalhousie University (LL.B., 1978). He was called to the Bar of Prince Edward Island in 1978 and appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1991. He was an associate and partner at Stewart McKelvey (formerly Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales, Scales Jenkins McQuaid) (1978-2006).
Prior to his appointment, he held the position of President of the Prince Edward Island Law Society. He also was a member of the Prince Edward Island Supreme Court Rules Committee, Director of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Governor of the Atlantic Provinces Economic Council, Governor of the Prince Edward Island Junior Achievement, member of Stewart McKelvey Partnership Board, Chairman of Stewart McKelvey.
He was previously appointed a Judge of the Tax Court of Canada on November 23, 2006, and Associate Chief Justice of the Tax Court of Canada on July 15, 2008. He is the founding Director and Secretary General of the International Association of Tax Judges (IATJ) for 2010-2011 and has chaired the IATJ since 2011.
The Honourable Chief Justice Rossiter was appointed Chief Justice of the Tax Court of Canada on December 19, 2014.
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Provincial and Territorial Ministers of Justice and Attorneys General
Darin King was born in Grand Bank, and raised in Fortune on the south coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. After high school, he completed a Bachelor of Education and Diploma in School Resources Services from Memorial University; a Masters of Education at Saint Mary's University, Halifax; and a PhD from Northcentral University, Arizona.
Prior to his election, Mr. King was the CEO/Director of Education for the Eastern School District with responsibility for 127 schools and approximately 46,000 students. Through his career in education, he served as a classroom teacher and in a variety of leadership positions at the school and school district levels. He has taught graduate studies at Memorial University and served as a supervisor of doctoral students.
Mr. King was first elected as the Member of the House of Assembly for the District of Grand Bank in October 2007, and was named Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Education. He was re-elected to the House of Assembly in October 2011.
He has served as Minister of the Departments of Education; Human Resources, Labour and Employment; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Justice; Labour; Business, Tourism, Culture, and Rural Development; as well as Government House Leader.
In March 2015, he was appointed Government House Leader, as well as Minister of Business, Tourism, Culture, and Rural Development; Minister of the Research and Development Corporation; Minister of Justice and Public Safety; and Minister of Fire and Emergency Services.
Mr. King has acquired an extensive background in community service and rural development as a result of serving on a variety of boards and organizations.
Born in St. Anne's, Placentia Bay, Felix Collins graduated from Memorial University of Newfoundland with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Education (1964) and a Bachelor of Arts Degree (1968). He completed a Masters of Education degree from the University of Boston (1972) and a Bachelor of Laws degree from the University of Ottawa (1995) at which time he was awarded the Newton Rowell Scholarship for his dedication to public service.
Mr. Collins worked as a school principal, teacher, coordinator and a Superintendent of Education until retirement in 1992 at which time he entered law school. He was called to the Newfoundland Bar in April 1996 and is a Member of the Law Society of Newfoundland. He practiced law in St. John’s until 2007. He was Mayor of the Town of Placentia for sixteen years and a member of the Placentia Council for nineteen years.
In February 2006, Mr. Collins was elected to the Newfoundland & Labrador House of Assembly for the District of Placentia – St. Mary’s in a by-election. He was re-elected in the October 2007 general election. As a Member of the House of Assembly, Mr. Collins has served as Deputy Chair of Committees, Chair of the Elections & Privileges Committee, and as a Member of the Public Accounts Committee. He also served as Legislative Advisor to the Minister of Natural Resources and as Commissioner for the St. John’s Urban Region (Agricultural) Development Area Boundary Review.
In October 2009, Mr. Collins was appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General. He was re-elected as the Member for Placentia – St. Mary’s and was re-appointed as Minister of Justice and Attorney General in October 2011. He then served as Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs from October 2012 until October 2013. From January to September 2014, Mr. Collins served as Attorney General. Mr. Collins was re-appointed Attorney General on March 12, 2015.
H. Wade MacLauchlan was born in Stanhope where he completed his early education before studying at the University of Prince Edward Island, the University of New Brunswick, and Yale University.
Prior to entering provincial politics, Mr. MacLauchlan was Dean of Law at the University of New Brunswick and a professor of law at Dalhousie University. He served as the University of Prince Edward Island President from 1999 to 2011. During that time, the University rose in stature regionally and nationally, made dramatic strides in research and development, and placed enhanced emphasis on community engagement.
Mr. MacLauchlan authored the political biography of Alex. B Campbell, Prince Edward Island’s longest- serving premier, entitled Alex B. Campbell: The Prince Edward Island Premier Who Rocked the Cradle.
Mr. MacLauchlan has extensive community involvement, including serving as a member of the local council in the Community of North Shore; co-chairing the Georgetown Conference; serving as a board member of the Federation of P.E.I. Municipalities; and serving on the boards of several large philanthropic foundations. He was named to the Order of Canada in 2008 and to the Order of Prince Edward Island in 2014.
Mr. MacLauchlan was re-elected as Premier of Prince Edward Island on May 4, 2015.
The Honourable Diana Whalen was first elected to the Nova Scotia House of Assembly as MLA for Halifax Clayton Park in 2003 and was re-elected in 2006 and 2009. She was again elected as MLA for Clayton Park West in 2013.
She has served as Minister of Finance and Treasury Board, the Minister responsible for the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation, the Minister responsible for the Utility and Review Board Act, and the minister responsible for various acts which normally fall under the purview of the finance and liquor corporation portfolios.
She worked as a management consultant and is a former HRM Councillor for District 16.
She is Chair of the Law Amendments Committee. She is a member of the Internal Affairs Committee.
Stephen Horsman graduated from Oromocto High School in 1980. He received his Bachelor of Arts from St. Thomas University (1985) and a Bachelor of Education (1986). During his time at St. Thomas, he was a two-time recipient of the John Frederick Walls Award for Excellence in Academics and Athletics and was named Most Valuable Player of the basketball team six times. He was a three-time male athlete of the year and was also awarded the Sports Governing Board Medallion for his outstanding contributions to STU Athletics.
Mr. Horsman graduated from the Atlantic Police Academy in 1987. He served as a police officer for the City of Fredericton for 25 years before retiring. He has experience as a supply teacher and coach, and has served as a volunteer on various community boards and committees.
Mr. Horsman was first elected to the Legislative Assembly in September 2014, as the member for Fredericton North, and was sworn in as Deputy Premier, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Minister of Justice, and Minister responsible for Military Affairs on October 7, 2014.
Stéphanie Vallée studied at the University of Ottawa and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in civil law (LL.L.) in 1993 and is a member of the Barreau du Québec since 1995.
From 1995 to 2007, Ms. Vallée was a partner at Vallée & Hubert, a law firm in Maniwaki, and she held the position of Chief Federal Negotiator at the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development from 2006 to 2007.
Heavily involved in cultural affairs, Ms. Vallée was a member of the board of directors of CHGA community radio (1995-200); member of the executive council and the board of directors of la Maison de la culture de la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau (1999-2004); member of the Association Québécoise des avocats et avocates de la défense, Hull district (2001-2007); member of the parent participation organization, Collège Sacré-Coeur, Maniwaki (2003-2006); and councillor at the Council of the Bar of Hull (2004-2007).
Ms. Vallée was named Minister of Justice of Québec in 2014.
[Information was severed in accordance with the Access to Information Act. s.19(1)] She is a registered nurse and lawyer specializing in labour and employment law. She was first elected to the Ontario legislature in 2003 after more than a decade in municipal politics.
Prior to her appointment as Attorney General in March 2014, Ms. Meilleur served as Minister of Culture (2003-2006), Minister of Community and Social Services (2006-2011), and Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services (2011-2014). Additionally, Ms. Meilleur has been Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs since February 2013.
She was appointed to the rank of Chevalier of the Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur by the Ambassador of France to Canada in March 2012.
As Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Minister Meilleur formed Ontario’s first ever Civil Liberties Discussion Table, she has been active in supporting police, firefighters, corrections officers and other first responders, and she has successfully led the effort to make Ontario the first province in Canada to make sprinklers mandatory in retirement homes and vulnerable care occupancies.
Thanks to her leadership, Ontario passed laws promoting the social inclusion of persons with developmental disabilities and giving Ontarians access to open adoption records. She also spearheaded efforts to introduce a new and strengthened Ontario Heritage Act, concluding 30 years of efforts to provide better heritage protection.
As Minister Responsible for Francophone Affairs, she has been committed to building stronger French communities through critical investments in education and health services, including the expansion of the Montfort Hospital.
Gord Mackintosh has degrees in political studies and law. He worked for the Manitoba and Canadian Human Rights Commissions and was later Deputy Clerk of the Manitoba Legislature. As a lawyer with the Winnipeg law firm Thompson Dorfman Sweatman, he was involved in environmental issues and notably was advisor to Elijah Harper during the Meech Lake constitutional crisis.
Mr. Mackintosh was Chair of the Patients’ Rights Committee and served on the boards of the Rainbow Society (for children with life-threatening illnesses) and the Manitoba Association for Rights and Liberties.
Mr. Mackintosh was first elected to Manitoba’s Legislature as the NDP MLA for the north Winnipeg constituency of St. Johns in 1993 and re-elected in five general elections. He has served as the Government House Leader and Minister of Justice and Attorney General; Minister charged with the administration of The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act; Minister of Family Services and Housing and Minister responsible for Persons with Disabilities; Minister of Family Services and Consumer Affairs with responsibility for the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission; and Minister of Conservation and Water Stewardship.
Mr. Mackintosh has helped produce child victim-friendly courtrooms and waiting rooms, (to report on- line predators and child pornography), Provincial Amber Alert, a high risk offender website, and strict new child support laws. He has helped lead successful efforts to strengthen child protection laws.
On April 29, 2015, Mr. Mackintosh was appointed Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Minister responsible for Constitutional Affairs and Minister charged with the administration of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act.
Born and raised in Saskatoon, Gordon S. Wyant completed his Bachelor of Arts degree with distinction in 1985, and graduated from the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan in 1986. Shortly after convocation, Mr. Wyant began practicing law with the firm McKercher LLP, where he practiced as a partner until his appointment as Attorney General.
Mr. Wyant has served the community in numerous roles and organizations over the last 25 years including the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce, Past President of the United Way of Saskatoon and founding director of the Children’s Health Foundation of Saskatchewan.
Since 2000, Mr. Wyant has also been an active public servant. He was elected as Trustee for the Saskatoon Public School Board and served as Chair for two years. He was elected City Councillor for Ward 5 in 2003 and was re-elected in 2006 and 2009. Mr. Wyant has served on numerous committees of council including chairing the Planning and Operations Committee since 2006 as well as serving on two standing committees on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
Mr, Wyant received his Queen’s Counsel designation in 2009. He was first elected as the MLA for Saskatoon Northwest in an October 2010 by-election. He was re- elected in the 2011 provincial election.
On May 25, 2012, Mr. Wyant was appointed to serve as Minister of Justice and Attorney General and Deputy Government House Leader. In June 2014, Mr. Wyant was also appointed as Minister Responsible for SaskBuilds.
Along with a juris doctor degree from the University of Calgary, Kathleen Ganley also holds a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy and a Bachelor of Science in psychology.
In addition to receiving a number of scholarships and bursaries, Ms. Ganley was awarded the Department of Philosophy silver medallion and the University of Calgary undergraduate merit award.
Before beginning her legal career, Ms. Ganley spent a summer as a caseworker with student legal assistance and as a research assistant with RESOLVE Alberta, a research network focused on ending violence against women.
Ms. Ganley articled with the Provincial Court of Alberta from June 2011 to March 2012. She worked with a private law firm as an associate, specializing in labour, employment and human rights law.
An avid volunteer, she has donated her time to participating in a variety of community activities over the years, including providing student legal assistance, delivering patient care at the Foothills hospital, coaching swimming, counselling children's day camp and assisting with community theatre.
Ms. Ganley was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, representing the constituency of Calgary- Buffalo, on May 5, 2015. She was appointed Minister of Justice and Solicitor General and Minister of Aboriginal Relations on May 24, 2015.
Suzanne Anton received a degree in Mathematics from the University of Victoria and a Bachelor of Laws at the University of British Columbia. Before politics,
Ms. Anton was a Crown counsel and a mathematics teacher in Portugal and Nigeria.
She has experience in the leadership, management and financial operations of some of British Columbia's largest organizations. Prior to her election to the Legislative Assembly, Ms. Anton served on the Vancouver Park Board (2002-2005) and the Vancouver City Council (2005-2011). She also served on numerous community, corporate, and sports boards including Translink, the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, BC Sports Hall of Fame and the BC Pavilion Corporation. She served on the 2011 Grey Cup committee and the Vancouver 125 committee.
Ms. Anton served as the Vancouver director for the Federation of Canadian municipalities, where she was the vice chair of the Committee to Increase Women’s Participation in Municipal Government and sat on the Governance Review Committee.
As a Director of Metro Vancouver, Ms. Anton was a member of the Waste Management Committee, the Land Use and Transportation Committee, and the UBC/Metro Vancouver joint committee.
Ms. Anton was elected to represent the riding of Vancouver-Fraserview in 2013 after a distinguished career at the municipal level. She was appointed Attorney General and Minister of Justice on June 10, 2013.
Brad Cathers has lived in the electoral district of Lake Laberge since 1983. Prior to his first election to the Yukon Legislative Assembly in 2002, Mr. Cathers was involved in federal politics. He was the Yukon constituency President for the Reform Party of Canada/Canadian Alliance (1998-2002); a member of the Reform Party of Canada Leader’s Grassroots Advisory Committee on the United Alternative (1998-1999); and Yukon’s member on the Canadian Alliance National Council (2000-2002).
Mr. Cathers was first sworn into Cabinet in December 2005, and became the youngest Minister of Health and Government House Leader in Canada. He was re- appointed to Cabinet in October 2006 and November 2011. His experience includes service as Minister of Health and Social Services, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, Minister of Community Services, Minister responsible for Yukon Housing Corporation, Minister responsible for Yukon Workers' Compensation Health and Safety Board, Minister responsible for Yukon Liquor Corporation and Yukon Lottery Commission, and Government House Leader.
Mr. Cather served as Government House Leader from December 2005 to August 2009, and from November 2011 to January 2015. He currently serves as Deputy Government House Leader. In January 2015, he was appointed Minister of Justice and Minister in charge of the Yukon Development Corporation and Yukon Energy Corporation.
David Ramsay was born in Saint John, New Brunswick. He attended the University of New Brunswick where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science and History, specializing in Aboriginal Law and Self Government.
Mr. Ramsay’s prior political experience includes five years as a Yellowknife City Councillor. He also served as a Western Arctic Progressive Conservative Riding Association President (1998-2003) and was awarded the “Young Entrepreneur” of the year award by the Business Development Bank of Canada in 1996.
Mr. Ramsay was first elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories in the November 2003 Territorial election, where he served, from 2003 to 2007, as Deputy Chair of Committee of the Whole, as member of the Standing Committee on Governance and Economic Development, the Board of Management and the Standing Committee on Accountability and Oversight. He was re-elected to in October 2007 and October 2011, at which time he was sworn in as a Member of the Executive Council and appointed Minister of Industry, Tourism and Investment and Minister of Transportation. He was elected vice president of the Pacific North West Economic Region in 2011 and president in 2014.
Mr. Ramsay was appointed Minister of Justice in October 2013.
Born and raised in Pangnirtung, then Northwest Territories, Paul Okalik’s lifelong commitment to the self-determination of Inuit began with early interactions with governments. As a teenager, he went to Frobisher Bay for residential school. In the early 1980s, Mr. Okalik accepted the challenge of negotiator with the Tunngavik Federation of Nunavut. He negotiated with the Government of Canada towards the historic signing in 1993 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement.
Mr. Okalik earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in political science and Canadian studies from Carleton University and a Bachelor of Laws (L.L.B.) from the University of Ottawa. He was called to the Northwest Territories Bar in February 1999, months before the creation of Nunavut.
Shortly thereafter, Mr. Okalik was elected by the consensus of the Members of the Legislative Assembly to serve as the first Premier of Nunavut and Minister of Justice. He served in these positions from 1999 to 2008. During his first term, he acted immediately to build schools in several communities.
Between 2008 and 2011, Mr. Okalik served as a Member of the Legislative Assembly. In this capacity, he introduced the Order of Nunavut Act, which was the first Private Member’s Bill to be passed by the Legislative Assembly.
Mr. Okalik has been an active supporter and volunteer with the Iqaluit Soup Kitchen and Habitat for Humanity. He is fluently bilingual in Inuktitut and English, and continues to work on his French proficiency.
Mr. Okalik was elected to represent the constituency of Iqaluit Sinaa in the fourth Legislative Assembly of Nunavut in October 2013.
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