Public consultation on the Privacy Act – Submission – Smart Species Canada

Smart Species Canada, (in collaboration with T4GC and the OCG Collaborative) presents a Pilot initiative as context for submitting CPPA comments and to urge a review of CPPA for Children and Youth data control, Parental Consent and the innovation international standards can provide.

c/o: Mark Lizar

This proposal and CPPA comments are based on Standards Council Collaborative Use Case for Consented Digital Identity Surveillance with the use of ISO standardized Notice and Consent Receipts.

Item #1 below is the presented use case for protecting children and youth’s online meta-data and with it a call for recognizing school records as historical data trust held on behalf of the school and student. This is being Presented for the SCC Data Governance Collaborative workshop on Feb 25th, 2021. This use case is backed up by a research report, illustrating the lack of security, privacy and consent in eLearning systems, and an active audit monitoring this breach of children’s data.

This use case provides research and analysis conducted by Smart Species with Tech for Good Canada supported by the Open Consent Group, (comprised of a group of efforts aimed to standardize accessibility of privacy rights, to enable widescale digital literacy, and localize the economic benefits, independent of foreign service providers)

This background for this Pilot:

  1. SCC – Notice & Consent Receipt Standards Use Case for Consented Surveillance
  2. Children’s Surveillance Research Report: (Being published for the SCC Feb 25th Workshop)
  3. Ontario Audit Outline: Gov, School Board & School: Privacy & Security eLearning Audit of vulnerable children’s Data Governance in e-Learning

[Note; This pilot proposal summary is provided here as context for these comments on the Candian Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act.]

Comment Highlights:

These comments.

Piloting: A Canadian (Intervention) Public Privacy Standard

The Pilot proposes, a national to international Data Governance Authority architecture to provide receipts to facilitate the use of privacy rights independently of the service provider. ad-technologies, with rights that enable self-advertising on one’s own terms and the control of one’s own data. Providing people the opportunity to engage in their own data altruism through autonomy:

Extending the UN General Comments for children’s right in Online environments into a Code of Conduct for eLearning service providers. This will,

The Opportunity

Canada’s world class culture of privacy and respect is reflected in a Charter of Rights and Freedom’s, a commitment to diversity amongst provinces and PIPEDA’s adoption from Canadian best practices in the CSA, a privacy rights framework based on consensus. Consensus that has evolved our country into a well-defined expectation expressed through a notice and consent specified privacy legal framework.

The consultation on consent led by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in 2016-17 led to the implementation of Meaningful Consent as a legal standard in 2019. Moving Canada to arguably the strongest consent legal framework in the world. As such, it should be no surprise that this pilot implements a Canadian National to International action to adopt standards for data governance and the surveillance of children and youth.

In this regard, this pilot proposal summary provides a critical commentary to strengthen the CPPA and reflect Bill 64’s data governance approach, that is not only supported by international standards, but can unite Canada as a global force in the next generation internet markets.

As such, this pilot references the great Canadian Privacy Opportunity, and respectfully asks the editors to consider this umbrella use case for a pilot of a Parental Consent Gateway, to address the risks of digital identity management and its advanced invisible surveillance.

Parental Consent Gateway for Children’s Surveillance (First Draft Invitation for this Pilot Proposal)

To initiate this action, this Pilot first invites Tech for Good Canada to convene a Children’s Surveillance Council of Experts for a National (and Internataional) SCC driven roadmap implementing the UN General Comments, 19,20,25, Bill 64, and the Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) notice and consent framework.

A key objective of this proposal is to present a scheme for certification under the (PCTF). Utilizing the overarching digital identity privacy governance framework to define online notice and consent with technical schema’s defined in International standards and policy rulesets on regulator approved codes of conduct and role-based practice.

Parental Notice & Consent Receipt Gateway

To implement a National Parental Consent Gateway with a scheme that will;

Parental Privacy Pilot: A Pan-Canadian Trust Framework Scheme

This scheme is presented to support a national Roadmap and to initiate a call for the immediate and standardized assessment of how eLearning is affecting the most vulnerable of children from unprotected data governance in our provinces and territories.

The research for this national use case includes researching the data governance architecture of eLearning software providers provided to students in Ontario/Canada during the pandemic.

This resulted in the Standard Council of Canada data governance use case, link, and SCC Roadmap workshop on this use case Feb 25th, 2021. All of which is presented from the result of social research, social policy, legal analysis and best practices utilized to develop and implement standards.

One important result is the inclusion of a consent notice receipt in the ISO/IEC 29184 Online Privacy Notice and Consent Standard (appendix d), as well as the vote of the ISO SC 27 group to fast track the Consent Receipt into an international notice and consent record structure to which notice and consent receipts, can be generated independently of service providers. Supported by a community of international standards efforts, and a rally to include people ion the next generation data governance internet infrastructure.

The notice and consent receipt standard and next version of this specification, are intended for release as public standards for use in open-source software development, providing legal to data semantics required to support international and national regulatory data governance at scale. Written to enhance notice and consent frameworks like that represented in the PCTF, with a framework that maintain privacy that people expect.

Privacy as Expected, is a state of privacy expectations that are maintained with a notice and consent receipts. The parental consent gateway managed parents’ expectations independently of the service provider.

These new set of international work efforts (footnote: supported by a newly launched ANCR WG at the Kantara Initiative, for the advanced [active] notice and consent receipt WG, ToiP - Inputs and Semantics, W3C DPV ) and a host of digital governance project implementations.

Summary of Research Children and Youth Surveillance Research

Research conducted in Sept 2020 focused on the data governance, security, privacy and legal compliance requirements of eLearning.

This report illustrated that lack of consistent standardized notice and consent requirements demonstrate that eLearning services are exposing children/youth, schools and the education systems to a lot of liability and un-notified risk. Preventing meaningful consent for parents from being provided. Providing exemptions that further dis-intermediates civil engagement and responsibility for our own choices.

To this end, the most significant comment is the recommendation of the international data governance standards ISO 29184. In particular, recommend using standardized categories for specifying the legal justification for processing children’s data. This is important to address the inter-domain security and privacy issues raised in this research. These standards reduce the need for a tribunal and centralized privacy governance, which can cripple the competitiveness (and market value) of the Candian digital identity ecosystem. Tailored data governance un-necessarily provides manyh for each issue raised. These standards enable data governance interoperability between provinces and their use of protected school education records.

Research Points worth highlighting:

Currently, student’s data in Toronto is being harvested illegally under an IAB Canada Standard Contract, that violates PIPEDA, CPPA and

This call to action highlights the need for advocacy and inclusion beyond the American consumer perspective, and a Consumer Privacy Act, limited by ecommerce politics and concerns, already addressed in Canadian policy. With research presented to the SCC Standards Governance Collaborative, summarily represented here in point form.

Appendix A: CPPA (Bill C11) Not Adequate with International Standards & Bill 64

Recommendations in line with Bill 64

Bill 64, at the outset of the draft bill states:

Furthermore, the consent of the person having parental authority must be obtained to collect, use and release personal information concerning a minor under 14 years of age.”

The CCPA – provides consumers not children with privacy protections.

We recommend:

Adoption of Bill 64 Consent Requirements and the promotion of the strongest provincial privacy regulation as national regulation to gain most economic value, defend Canadian cyber-physical security. In particular with respect to the protection of children’s data. As reviewed here.

First and foremost, Bill 64 enables operational data governance and places Canada in a competitive market position for the Next Generation Internet – Dynamic Data Controls. Based on International standards and harmonized semantics.

In reference,

“64.1. The personal information concerning a minor under 14 years of age may not be collected from him without the consent of the person having parental authority, unless collecting the information is clearly for the minor’s benefit.”

“65.0.1. In addition to the information that must be provided in accordance with section 65, anyone who collects personal information from the person concerned using technology that includes functions allowing the person concerned to be identified, located or profiled must first inform the person.

(1) of the use of such technology; and

(2) of the means available, if any, to deactivate the functions that allow a person to be identified, located or profiled.

In Review of Legal Semantics and Standardize Data Governance Vocabulary: (an engineering note from the ANCR-WG at the Kantara Initiative) PIPEDA and BILL C-64 provide strong data governance, where-as the CPPA, makes justifications for processing unclear, with ambiguous exemptions not specified, or deferred to a centralized legal process for review by a tribunal.

When reviewing, please provide assurances of the adequacy for the ‘Protection of Children and Youth’ by specifying assurances that: