Calculating support if the other parent lives in another country

If you divorce under Canada's Divorce Act, the Federal Child Support Guidelines would apply. Use the Federal Child Support Tables for your province or territory to calculate child support.

Federal family law only applies in situations where married couples divorce under Canada's Divorce Act. You should seek legal advice if, for example, you were never married to the other parent or if you divorce under the laws of another country.

Getting support from someone in Canada if you live abroad

If you divorce under Canada's Divorce Act, you can request a support order from a court in the province or territory where the other parent lives.

You should seek legal advice or contact the ministry responsible for family law in the province or territory where the other parent lives to find out how to apply for a support order.

Otherwise, you would generally need a support order from a court in your country.

Once you have a support order from a court, you or child support authorities in your country can contact authorities responsible for enforcing international support orders in the province or territory where the other parent lives.

If you did not get a divorce in Canada, getting a support order from a Canadian court would depend on the laws of the province or territory where you apply for the order. This would be the case, for example, if you are not married to the other parent, or if you are married and have separated but do not divorce, or if you divorce under the laws of a country other than Canada.

You should seek advice from a family law lawyer in the province or territory where the other parent lives. You may also wish to contact the ministry responsible for family law for that province or territory or refer to their website.