Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund (Support Fund)

You are invited to submit a funding application for projects that can help reach the priorities of the Support Fund:

  • Support for Official Language Minority Communities: Boost the supply of legal information and socio-legal support services for official language minority communities, with an emphasis on vulnerable populations within those communities.
  • Support for the Justice System: Strengthen the bilingual capacity of the justice system through language training, professional development and promotion of the language of law.

For more information on the Support Fund and on how to submit a funding application, please write to


The Support Fund is designed to provide resources to facilitate access to justice in both official languages through various means, such as the creation of legal and linguistic tools, workshops and training to bilingual lawyers and stakeholders of the justice system, the development of related training material and the provision of public legal education and information. The activities and projects undertaken pursuant to the Support Fund are aligned with the Government’s commitment to advancing the equality of status and use of English and French by enhancing the vitality of English and French linguistic minority communities and supporting their development, taking into account their uniqueness, diversity and historical and cultural contributions to Canadian society, and fostering the full recognition and use of both English and French in Canadian society. The Support Fund is part of Canada’s Action Plans for Official Languages.

Who is eligible?



The priorities of the Support Fund are:


Projects of interest include those that:

Points to Consider

The Department will only consider providing funding for activities related to legal information and socio-legal support services when the recipient has confirmed funding (financial and/or in-kind) from other sources and will take this amount into consideration when determining the contribution amount.

The Department will only consider providing funding for activities having an impact on provincial/territorial administration of justice when the recipient has confirmed funding (financial and/or in-kind) from provincial/territorial government and will take this amount into consideration when determining the contribution amount.

How to Apply for Funding

To apply for funding, please request application forms by writing to:

Official Languages

In the implementation of Section 41 of the Official Languages Act, the Department is committed to facilitate the participation of official language minority communities and their organizations in the development and assessment of the Department's policies, programs and services having significant impact on the development and vitality of the communities; and to take measures to ensure that the Department of Justice's programs and services reach official language minority communities. In the context of project funding, these measures include:

Sustainable Development

The Department of Justice encourages you to submit proposals electronically. If you submit your application on paper, please consider printing on both sides of the paper. These actions will minimize environmental impacts.

Publications and Resources

Contribution Funds for Non-Governmental Organizations, a Handbook

We designed this guide as a reference tool to help you better understand and comply with the financial requirements described in contribution agreements. We recommend that you review this handbook if you receive funding for your project.

Contact Information

Programs Branch
Department of Justice Canada
284 Wellington Street, 6th floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8

Telephone: (613) 941-4193
Fax: (613) 954-4893