2. Does your organisation deal with victims of trafficking? International? Internal?
3. How did you first begin dealing with trafficking victims?
4. How does your agency address trafficking?
5. What are the key activities, related to victims of trafficking, undertaken by your agency?
6. Do you have a specific mandate or funding to deal with victims of trafficking?
7. In dealing with trafficking cases, does your agency work with other departments or agencies?
8. What are the most urgent needs of victims?
9. Are these needs met? If yes, how? If no, why not?
10. Do you think the needs of trafficking victims differ from other people you serve? If so, how? If not, why not?
11. What do you see as the long-term needs of trafficking in persons victims? Is your organisation able to address these needs? If not, why not? If not, do you know of an organisation/agency that could?
12. Which obstacles do you encounter in providing services to the victims? (Practical? Legal? Financial?)
13. What kind of additional resources would you think would be most useful in providing services to the victims?
14. Do you have ideas about how services can reach victims of trafficking, given their situation of extreme vulnerability?
15. Do you know what happens to the trafficking victims you have encountered after they leave your service? Remain in Canada? Return? Conditions?
16. Who are the victims of trafficking that you encounter?
Ethnic or national origin
17. How are the victims of trafficking recruited?
18. What makes the victims vulnerable to trafficking? What are the root causes of this problem?
Life conditions in host country
Illegal work (working without a permit)
Organized crime
Sexual activities
Forced labour
Forced marriage
Illegal activities (e.g. drug sale)
Debt bondage
Other (Specify)
19. Who are the traffickers?
20. Where do the victims come from? Where do they pass when they are trafficked?
21. Which is the mode of travel used (airlines, routing, sea) by victims?
22. What is the specific occupation of victims in Canada? (example: exotic dancers, domestic workers, factory/agricultural workers in slavery-like conditions, mail-orders brides, drugs sale, etc..)?
23. What kind of data does your agency gather?
24. How do you track and report:
Recruitment data
Movement data
Data related to age, ethnic background and aboriginal status.
Data related to life and work conditions in host country
Other relevant trafficking data
25. Would you like to add anything on how do you think victims’ needs could be addressed?