Audit of the Legislative Services Branch (Drafting and Advisory Services & Legislative Revision Services)
October 03, 2012

Executive Summary


1. The Legislative Services Branch (LSB) has overall an adequate management framework in place to govern the activities of the Drafting and Advisory Services (DAS) and the Legislative Revision Services (LRS) groups. The framework could be improved through the introduction of a formalized process for resource planning and monitoring on a project basis.


2. The Legislative Services Branch (LSB) is headed by the Chief Legislative Counsel who reports to the Deputy Minister of the Department of Justice. The Branch’s responsibilities include the drafting of all government bills and motions to amend; the review and drafting of regulations; the harmonization of federal legislation with the civil law of Quebec; and the updating, consolidation, and publication of federal statutes and regulations and related tables. The Branch drafts statutes and regulations in both official languages harmoniously with the common law and the civil law systems. The Branch is also responsible for ensuring that government bills and regulations are reviewed in light of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights.

3. This audit was identified in the 2011-12 Internal Audit Plan. The overall objective of the audit was to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the management framework to govern the activities of the Drafting and Advisory Services (DAS) and the Legislative Revision Services (LRS) groups in the Legislative Services Branch (LSB).

Key Findings

4. Only one area was identified for management attention. While the LSB currently considers elements of resource utilization as part of its scheduling and forecasting process, the Branch has not established a formalized process for resource planning and monitoring on a per project basis. Without this process, managers are limiting their ability to ensure that resources are being managed effectively and efficiently.