Audit of Official Languages
June 2012

Appendix A – Audit criteria

The following high level audit criteria were developed during the planning phase of the audit and included relevant criteria to address specific risks identified in the planning phase.

High Level Criteria Results
Governance and Strategic Direction
1.0 Official Languages at the Department of Justice are supported by effective governance and strategic directions (e.g. strategic objectives, oversight bodies, lines of communication with oversight bodies). Met
Business Planning
2.0 Official Languages at the Department of Justice are supported by appropriate business planning activities (e.g. established objectives; business, annual and work plans). Met
3.0 Official Languages at the Department of Justice are supported by an adequate organizational structure (e.g. accountability elements relating to roles and responsibilities: organizational structure, position descriptions, number of positions, span of control). Partially Met
4.0 Official Languages at the Department of Justice are supported by adequate controlling mechanisms (e.g. workload management, accountability elements relating to performance monitoring and reporting). Met
Leading and Communicating
5.0 The Department of Justice’s Official Languages are supported by adequate leadership and communication (e.g. providing direction and communication information to staff during meetings, minutes, retreats, mentoring, e-mail updates, and open-door policy). Partially Met
Reliability of Information
6.0 Official Languages information at the Department of Justice contained in systems is relevant for decision making and accountability purposes. Met
Appropriateness of Functional Direction
7.0 Official Languages are supported by an appropriate functional direction provided by the Department of Justice (e.g. language designations of positions, staffing of imperative/non-imperative positions, requests for exemption under the Public Services Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order and language training). Met