Drug Treatment Court Funding Program Evaluation

Appendix B: Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation Issues Questions Indicators Data Sources/Methods Responsibility for Collection
1. Relevance
Continued Need for the DTCFP 1. Is there a continued need for the DTCFP?
  • Number of DTCs established/ operational
  • Total number of eligible participants
  • Perceived relevance of DTC services to the needs of clients
  • Document and literature review
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Alignment with Government Priorities and Departmental Strategic Outcomes

2. To what extent are the activities of the DTCFP aligned with:

  • Government of Canada priorities? and
  • The first strategic outcome of Justice?
  • Consistency between DTCFP mandate and activities with the priorities of the federal government
  • Perceived relevance of DTCFP to the first strategic outcome of Justice
  • Document review and analysis
  • Speeches from the Throne, federal budget/analysis



Alignment with Federal Roles and Responsibilities 3. To what extent do the activities of the DTCFP align with federal roles and responsibilities? Alignment of DTCFP services with federal government’s roles and responsibilities Document review



2. DTC Design and Implementation
Alignment with Federal Roles and Responsibilities

4. How adequate are the DTC site designs, organizational structure and process to implement and operate the DTC?

  • To what extent are the DTCs designed to deliver age, gender, health and culturally appropriate services and treatments to its clients? To what extent are the DTCs designed to account for specific needs for women, Aboriginal people and individuals with mental health issues? Are there any gaps?
  • To what extent is Risk, Need and Responsivity principle used as service model in DTCs?
  • To what extent is the delivery of the treatment consistent with the abilities and learning styles of the participants? How does the DTC ensure that the treatment is appropriate for the participants’ needs?
  • Evidence of DTC treatment plans and services
  • DTC profiles
  • Perceptions of stakeholders and staff
  • Document review (site visit reports, 2011)
  • Client interviews
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



5. To what extent are the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders (court, treatment, community) clear to all those involved?

  • What is the relationship among the key stakeholders?
  • What is the relationship between participants and DTC court, treatment and community components?
  • Clarity of roles and responsibilities
  • Perceptions of stakeholders and staff from surveys
  • Evidence from documents
  • Document review
  • Client interviews
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



6. Over the last five years, were there any changes (policy, legislation) that might impact the design and implementation of the DTCs?

  • Perceptions of key stakeholders and staff
  • Number of applicants
  • Document review
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



DTCFP Performance Measurement Systems

7. Since the last evaluation, is the performance measurement system adequate to support DTCFP monitoring and reporting requirements?

  • Are there any gaps?
  • What needs to be improved?
  • Consistency in the DTCIS data
  • Availability of DTCIS data
  • Accuracy of DTCIS
  • Document review
  • DTCIS data review
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Performance: Immediate Outcomes
Facilitate networking and increase DTC knowledge/awareness and collaboration

8. To what extent have knowledge/awareness and partnerships of DTCs been increased within the community level? Federal/Provincial/Territorial level?

  • Level/nature of information disseminated by mechanism and target population
  • DTC Web Site hits and downloads
  • Type and nature of DTC partnerships created
  • Products and materials created
  • DTC number web site/Analysis
  • Document review
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Retention in DTC

9. To what extent have DTCs been successful in retaining participants in treatment?

  • What factors contributed to the participants’ graduation and retention in the DTCs?
  • What factors contributed to the participants’ termination from the DTCs?
  • What are the characteristics of participants for whom the DTC has been most or less effective? Why?
  • Length of time between the earliest date to the end date of the program
  • Number of eligible and active participants
  • Retention rate
  • Graduation rate
  • Number of participants who terminated from the program
  • Number and percentage of clients who graduated by gender, age, race, risk, etc.
  • Key stakeholder and staff perceptions of reasons for success/lack of success in retaining participants
  • Client reasons for remaining/leaving
  • Client interviews
  • DTCIS statistics/ analysis
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Compliance with DTC Conditions 10. To what extent have DTC participants complied with conditions of the DTC and court appearances?
  • Number and percentage of court appearances
  • Treatment sessions
  • UDT tests
  • Number of clients who re-offend during the DTC program
  • Key stakeholder and staff perceptions of reasons for compliance/non-compliance
  • DTCIS statistics
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Addiction Treatment Progress 11. To what extent have DTC participants made progress in reducing illicit drug use?
  • Number and percentage of UDT clean tests
  • Key stakeholder and staff perceptions of reasons for progress/lack of progress in reducing illicit drug use
  • Client perceptions of progress
  • DTCIS statistics
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey
  • Client interviews



Access/utilization of community services/supports

12. To what extent have DTC participants utilized community services and supports?

What community services and support do the participants have access?

  • Number and percentage of DTC participants referred to community service/supports by service type (housing, health, education, employment, other)
  • Length of time from initiation of referral to the use of the service/ supports by service type (education, employment, housing, health, other)
  • Services available to the clients
  • DTCIS statistics
  • Document review
  • Client interviews
Promising practices shared and performance measurement system strengthened. 13. To what extent have promising practices for the design and operationalization of a DTC been shared? To what extent the performance measurement systems have been strengthened?
  • Nature of promising practices shared by mechanism and target population
  • Meetings, workshops, teleconference supported
  • Research papers, sub-studies and reports supported
  • DTCFP files, site meetings, workshops, teleconferences
  • Document review



Strengthen network of stakeholders to ensure ongoing support 14. To what extent have DTCs strengthened networks of stakeholders to ensure ongoing support?
  • Level/nature of stakeholder participation
  • DTCFP files/analysis
  • Key informants interviews



Illicit drug reduction

15. To what extent have DTCs participants reduced illicit drug use while they have been participating in the DTC?

  • What factors contributed to the participants’ reduction of the use of illicit drugs and what factors impeded their progress?
  • Number and percentage of clean UDT tests while in the DTC
  • Key stakeholder and staff perceptions of reasons for progress/lack of progress in reducing illicit drug use
  • Client perceptions of progress
  • DTCIS/analysis
  • Key informants interviews
  • Clients interviews



Enhanced social stability 16. To what extent have DTCs contributed to DTC participants’ social stability, in terms of enhancing their employment, education and housing status while they have been participating in the DTC?
  • Change in level of DTC participant’s social stability while participating in the DTC:
  • employment status
  • education status
  • housing situation
  • level/nature of access/utilization of community services/supports while participating in the DTC
  • Client interviews
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Reduction in criminal recidivism

17. To what extent have DTCs contributed to the reduction in criminal recidivism among participants while they have been participating in the DTC?

  • What factors contributed to the participants’ reduction of criminal recidivism and what factors impeded their progress?
  • Number and percentage of clients who re-offend while participating in the DTC
  • Number and percentage of clients who did not re-offend while participating in the DTC
  • Perceptions of stakeholders and staff
  • Perceptions of clients
  • DTCIS/analysis
  • Client interviews
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



18. To what extent have DTCs contributed to the reduction in participant criminal recidivism post program completion?

  • What factors contributed to the participants’ reduction of criminal recidivism and what factors impeded their progress?
  • Number and percentage of clients who re-offend post DTC
  • Number and percentage of clients who did not re-offend post DTC
  • Perceptions of stakeholders and staff
  • Perceptions of clients
  • Recidivism studies
  • DTCIS/analysis
  • Client interviews
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Evidence-based improvements for DTCFP and DTC sites in Canada 19. What are the key lessons that can be learned from the DTCFP results? Perceptions of stakeholders and staff of key lessons learned
  • Site research and evaluation reports/analysis
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey
Performance: Efficiency and Economy
Evidence-based improvements for DTCFP and DTC sites in Canada

20. What are the total global costs of operating a DTC e.g. federal resources Footnote 40 (DTCFP, FPS etc.), provincial resources (court, treatment, etc.), community resources (treatment, support services, volunteers, etc.)?

Operating Costs Document review



21. Does the DTCFP represent the most cost-effective and appropriate means of reducing drug use and criminal recidivism, among the DTC funding program target population, as compared to incarceration?

  • Costs of court processing
  • Incarceration costs
  • DTC costs
  • Recidivism rate
  • Cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Document review



22. To what extent do DTCs use criminal justice and treatment service resources efficiently and effectively for addressing the needs of program target population with problematic substance use?

  • Gap between financial inputs and resource requirements for outputs
  • Perceptions of stakeholders and staff of DTC efficiency
  • Financial documentation/review
  • Key stakeholder and staff survey



Performance: Alternatives
Evidence-based improvements for DTCFP and DTC sites in Canada

23. Is the DTCFP an appropriate policy and program instrument to reduce drug use and criminal recidivism among the target population, as compared to other alternatives (e.g. incarceration)?

  • Examples from other jurisdictions/ private sector
  • Alternative models to deliver similar types of services in a government context.

Document review



24. Are there other, more cost-effective approaches that the federal government could use to achieve the key results?
  • Alternative models to deliver similar types of programs in a government context.
  • Document review
  • Key stakeholder interviews
  • Stakeholders interviews