Issues/Questions |
Indicators |
Data Sources |
Timing of Data Collection |
Responsibility for Data Collection |
Outputs: |
- What types of internal PD activities were offered in 2016-17?
- Number and nature (e.g., whether it is legal or non-legal training) of internal PD activities that have been offered to departmental employees
- Administrative files (e.g., data and reports from iCase, CSPS reports, and PeopleSoft Training Self-Service)
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Evaluation Division |
Demographic information: |
- What is the demographic profile of employees who participated in PD activities (internal and external)?
- Work unit (Portfolio, Branch, Sector, Region)
- Classification
- Employment status (indeterminate, term)
- Gender
- Years of service at Justice Canada
- Years of service in federal government
- Survey of employees
- Administrative files
- Assessment forms
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Evaluation Division |
Extent of participation in internal PD: |
- What is the level of participation in internal and external PD activities?
- Number of employees who have participated in the internal PD activities offered by the Department (look at this by demographic profile)
- Number of employees who have participated in external PD activities (look at this by demographic profile)
- Survey of employees
- Administrative files
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- What is the intensity of participation?
- Average number of days/hours employees have participated in PD activities (internal and external to the Department)
- Survey of employees
- Administrative files
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Evaluation Division |
- What types of PD activities do employees participate in?
- Activity/event type (e.g., supervisory skills, personal development)
- Category of training (e.g., legal knowledge, legal skills, non-legal training)
- Internal vs external training (%, types, costs)
- Survey of employees
- Administrative files
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Evaluation Division |
Effectiveness: |
- To what extent do the internal and external PD activities taken by employees meet their needs?
- % of employees who indicate that the types and frequency of internal and external PD activities meet their needs
- % of employees who would like more internal and external PD than they received
- Reasons that best explain what had prevented them from participating in more internal and external PD
- Areas of their work where employees have the greatest PD need
- Factors that facilitate/hinder participation in internal and external PD activities
- Types of internal and external PD activities that are most effective in providing employees with the PD they need
- Survey of employees
- Post-training assessment forms
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Evaluation Division |
- To what extent are the Department’s internal PD activities aligned with departmental priorities, priorities of the federal government, and continuing PD requirements of law societies?
- Extent of alignment of internal PD activities with departmental and federal government priorities
- Extent of alignment of internal PD activities requirements of law societies
- Key informant interviews
- Document review
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- Does access to internal and external PD vary across the Department?
- Level of access (e.g., policies, approvals, availability, technology) to internal and external PD
- Nature of barriers to accessing internal and external PD
- Key informant interviews
- Survey of employees
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Evaluation Division |
- What has been the impact of the internal and external PD received?
- Employees’ perceptions on the extent to which they apply knowledge and skills gained through internal and external PD when they return to work
- Employees’ perceptions on the extent to which internal and external PD has led to positive changes (e.g., in job responsibilities, confidence, career advancement, effectiveness in job)
- Survey of employees
- Focus groups (if necessary)
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Evaluation Division |
Efficiency: |
- What is the governance structure of PD in the Department? Are the roles and responsibilities clear?
- Description of governance structure of PD provided by key informants
- Extent to which key informants believe that roles and responsibilities are clear
- What information is tracked/monitored, how it is done and by whom?
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Evaluation Division |
- What is the Department’s delivery model for internal and external PD?
- Nature of delivery model(s)
- Document review
- Key informant interviews
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Evaluation Division |
- To what extent are internal PD activities developed and/or delivered in a cost-effective manner?
- Number, types and cost of CSPS courses taken by Justice Canada employees
- Mechanisms in place to develop and deliver internal PD in a coordinated manner
- Extent of overlap or duplication (e.g., with CSPS courses, across portfolios, internal vs external training)
- Administrative files (e.g., financial reports)
- Key informant interviews
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Evaluation Division |
- Are there challenges to the development or delivery of internal PD activities at headquarters? In the regions?
- Nature of challenges (e.g., location, connectivity, approvals, registration, contracting)
- Types of mechanisms in place to address challenges
- Document review
- Key informant interviews
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Evaluation Division |
- What best practices in support of internal PD exist within the Department?
- Nature of best practices in support of internal PD within the Department
- Key informant interviews
- Administrative files
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Evaluation Division |