Crime Statistics and Research
- A Typology of Profit-Driven Crimes (2003) (PDF Version, 273 Kb)
- Attitudinal Change in Participants of Partner Assault Response (PAR) Programs: A Pilot Project (2006) (PDF Version, 559 Kb)
- Costs of Crime in Canada, 2008 (2011) (PDF Version, 125 KB)
- Criminal Justice Outcomes in Intimate and Non-intimate Partner Homicide Cases (2005) (PDF Version, 468 Kb)
- Disproportionate Harm: Hate Crime in Canada : An Analysis of Recent Statistics (1995) (PDF Version, 233 KB)
- Drugs and Driving: A Compendium of Research Studies (2007) (PDF Version, 536 KB)
- Expert Panel on Emerging Crimes: Hosted by the Department of Justice, Canada. In Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (2003) (PDF Version, 81 Kb)
- Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-Area Geographical Analysis (2006) (PDF Version, 1.85 Mb)
- Firearm Statistics Updated Tables (2005) (PDF Version, 180 Kb)
- Gap Analysis of Research Literature on Issues Related to Street-Involved Youth (2003) (PDF Version, 195 Kb)
- Offender Profile and Recidivism among Domestic Violence Offenders in Ontario (2008) (PDF Version, 627 Kb)
- Patterns of Crime in Canadian Cities : A Multivariate Statistical Analysis (2003) (PDF Version, 379 Kb)
- Peace Bonds and Violence Against Women: A Three-Site Study of the Effect of Bill C-42 on Process, Application and Enforcement (2004) (PDF Version, 881 Kb)
- Pilot Study of Method to Review Closed Organized Crime Files (2005) (PDF Version, 333 Kb)
- Print Media Treatment of Hate as an Aggravating Circumstance for Sentencing: A Case Study (2001) (PDF Version, 136 Kb)
- Profile and projection of drug offences (2002) (PDF Version, 417 Kb)
- Public Perception of Crime and Justice in Canada: A Review of Opinion Polls (2001) (PDF Version, 165 Kb)
- Strolling Away (2002) (PDF Version, 351 Kb)
- The Economic Impact of Firearm-related Crime in Canada, 2008 (2013) (PDF Version, 618 Kb)
- The Nature of Canadian Urban Gangs and their use of Firearms: A Review of the Literature and Police Survey (2007) (PDF Version, 516 KB)
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