Patterns of Crime in Canadian Cities :  A Multivariate Statistical Analysis

Section 6. Crime Profiles for Different City Sizes

6. Crime Profiles for Different City Sizes

One common perception is that cities with different population sizes demonstrate different crime patterns. In order to test whether this is supported by objective data, the data (4 factor scores for the 600 cities) were again put to a discriminant analysis. This time, instead of provinces or geographical regions, the initial classification into groups was based on city size. Different classifications by city sizes were tested. It was decided in the end that the customary boundaries of 100,000, 50,000 and 10,000 would be used as the 100,000 population limit is used by Statistics Canada to classify Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs).

The 600 cities were then assigned into 4 groups by their population.

Grouping by City Size Classes
Size 1 – Large cities (100,000 and over) 38 cities
Size 2 – Medium cities (50,000 to 100,000) 44 cities
Size 3 – Small cities (10,000 to 50,000) 185 cities
Size 4 – Towns (under 10,000) 333 cities

Table 6 shows the results of the discriminant analysis based on city size classes.

Table 6. Results of Discriminant Analysis of 4 City Size Classes
From Size Class Number and Percent of Cities Classified Into City Size Class
Large cities Medium cities Small cities Towns TOTAL
Large cities
(100,000 & over)
17 9 12 0 38
45% 24% 32% 0% 100%
Medium cities
(50,000 to 100,000)
15 11 15 3 44
34% 25% 34% 7% 100%
Small cities
(10,000 to 50,000)
26 21 90 48 185
14% 11% 49% 26% 100%
(under 10,000)
16 15 76 226 333
5% 5% 23% 68% 100%
TOTAL 74 56 193 277 600
12% 9% 32% 46% 100%

NOTE: The shaded boxes with bold letters represent the cities classified correctly.

Table 7 shows the representative crime profiles of the 4 city size classes, in terms of average factor scores of the 4 crime components.

Table 7. Average Factor Scores of the 4 City Size Classes
Region Comp. 1 Comp. 2 Comp. 3 Comp. 4
Minor crimes Violent crimes Major property crimes Moral offences
Large cities -0.17 -0.67 0.71 0.54
Medium cities -0.08 -0.54 0.43 0.38
Small cities -0.07 -0.21 0.12 0.03
Towns 0.07 0.27 -0.21 -0.13

The above results show that contrary to popular belief, violent crime rates are actually a greater problem in small towns than in large cities. This counter-intuitive conclusion is actually supported by the higher violent crime rates (with the exception of homicide, robbery, and abduction) reported in towns (see Appendix 6 for the average crime rates by city size classes). It should be noted, however, that while the absolute numbers of violent crimes may be high in large cities, the rates are low because of the large population base.

The results also show that how adjacent cities may demonstrate very different crime patterns. For example, Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver (a large city with a population of 164,000) has a crime pattern similar to the crime profile for medium cities. On the other hand, Delta, another suburb of Vancouver (a large city with a population of 101,000) has a crime pattern similar to the crime profile for small cities (see actual crime rates of these cities in Appendix 1).

Crime Patterns of Two Sample Large Cities in British Columbia
Component Richmond, BC Delta, BC
Factor Score Percentile Factor Score Percentile
1 Minor crimes 0.03 62 0.08 67
2 Violent crimes -0.45 26 -0.55 13
3 Major property crimes 0.68 81 0.19 69
4 Moral offences 0.16 71 -0.20 46
Crime Profile Medium City Small City