Public Perception of Crime and Justice in Canada: A Review of Opinion Polls

Figure 3: Perceived increases in crime: 1998

Figure 3 is a vertical bar chart which illustrates respondents’ opinion on increases in crime for the year 1998.

The x axis represents the years 1994 and 1998 and both are divided by 2 sub-categories: “increasing in general” and “youth crime increasing”.

The y axis is measured in percentages from 70 to 92, in increments of 5.

In 1994, 81% of Canadians polled believed that criminal behavior in general was increasing, compared with 77% in 1998. Youth crime is also believed to be on the increase and the 1998 rate of 89% of respondents perceiving an increase is once again lower then the 1994 rate of 91%.

Source: Environics, 1998.