Criminal Justice Outcomes in Intimate and Non-intimate Partner Homicide Cases
Table of Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Highlights
- Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Literature Review
- 3. The present study
- 4. Results
- 4.1 Bivariate patterns: A preliminary look at intimacy and justice
- 4.2 Multivariate analysis: Isolating the effects of intimacy in criminal law
- 4.3 What are the effects of time on the dispositions of homicide cases?
- 4.4 Have the effects of intimacy changed over time?
- 4.5 Introducing gender: Examining separate and combined effects
- 4.6 Beyond intimacy: What else matters in the disposition of homicide cases?
- 5. Discussion and Conclusion
- 6. References
- Appendix A: Coding sheet
- Appendix B: Annual Homicide Figures for Toronto, Ontario and Canada and the Toronto Percentage of the Total Number of Provincial and National Homicides, 1974-200s
- Appendix C: Number and percent of cases missing information for independent and control variables
- Appendix D: Full Results for Multivariate Analysis: Examining Outcomes in Intimate Partner & Non-Intimate Partner Homicide, Reduced Sample, Toronto, 1974-2002
- List of Tables
- List of Boxes
- Date modified: