Pilot study of method to review closed organized crime files


The authors hereby thank the regional offices which participated in this study for their interest and invaluable assistance. Without their help and input, this study could not have been completed.

Executive Summary

This report presents the findings of a pilot study to develop and test a methodology to review closed organized crime files dealt with by the Federal Prosecution Service (FPS). This study is Phase 1 of a two-part review, which is to provide a clear description of the nature and volume of organized crime files prosecuted by the FPS. In Phase 1, a method for the conduct of these file reviews was developed and tested. Subject to the findings and recommendations of Phase 1, Phase 2 will extend the tested method to a larger and more representative sample of files.

The key components of the pilot study were the development of an operational definition of an organized crime file, the identification and collection of data on a sample of files which conform to this definition, and analysis of the results of the pilot test. The focus of this analysis was on the feasibility of extending the method to a larger sample of files for the purpose of generating nationally representative estimates of the volume and nature of closed organized crime files.

More specific tasks included:

Following the workshop, site visits were made to the six FPS regional offices to:

The visits to the six regional offices took place between mid-June and the end of July of 2003. The duration of the visits was three or four working days, depending on the number of organized crime files available for review. Across the six sites, a total of 114 files were identified by the regional offices as organized crime files, for an average of 19 files per office. During the site visits, a total of 85 files were reviewed, for an average of 14 files reviewed per site. The remaining 29 files were not reviewed for various reasons, including their not being complete, closed or physically accessible at the time of the site visits. The average amount of time taken to review each of the 85 files was 82 minutes, with a range of 20 - 240 minutes.

The results of the pilot test confirmed that the operational definition of an organized crime file agreed to at the workshop could be used to identify these files in the FPS caseload. It also determined that Phase 2 of the study, to involve collecting data on a larger and more representative sample of organized crime files handled by the FPS is, in fact, feasible. Specific recommendations for the conduct of Phase 2 included: