Exploring the Link between Crime and Socio-Economic Status in Ottawa and Saskatoon: A Small-Area Geographical Analysis
Table of Contents
- Executive Summary
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Social and Geographic Aspects of Crime: A Review of Theory and Literature
- 3. The Social Geographies of Ottawa and Saskatoon and Overall Trends in Crime
- 4. Sources of Data
- 5. Methods Of Analysis
- 6. Study # 1 Findings: Dissemination Areas of Ottawa
- 7. Study # 2 Findings: Neighbourhoods of Saskatoon
- 7.1 Descriptive Statistics
- 7.2 Principal Components Analysis
- 7.3 Multiple Regression Analysis
- 7.4 Mapping and GIS Analysis: Identifying Spatial Patterns of Crime and Neighbourhood Characteristics
- 7.5 Spatial Autocorrelation
- 7.6 Characteristics of High Crime Areas
- 7.7 Summary of Findings and Policy Issues for Saskatoon
- 8. Study # 3 Findings: A Comparison of Neighbourhoods in Ottawa and Saskatoon
- 9. Summary
- 10. References
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