Departmental Action Plan for Official Languages 2017-2022

8. Accountability

Office or primary interest – Part III
NLS (see section 5 “Official Languages Governance – Disclaimer”)
Office of primary interest – Parts IV, V, VI and XI
Office of primary interest – Part VII
Federal institutions provide detailed information to the Department of Canadian Heritage (PCH) and the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) for the drafting of their Annual Report on Official Languages and other outcome reports to Parliament (pursuant to sections 44 and 48 of Parts VII and VIII of the OLA).
Objective 10
Ensure accountability to various federal authorities and to Parliament of Canada.
Table 8
Expected Outcome Activities Lead Timeline/Progress
Accountability mechanisms are in place and outcome reports are delivered on time HRB and OLAD collaborate to ensure proper accountability and to draft outcome reports, including the Department of Justice Canada’s Annual Review on Official Languages, to guide preparation of the Annual Report on Official Languages to Parliament (under the responsibility of PCH and the TBS). OLAD, HRB Ongoing
Ensure accountability and report to the PSC on the application of the Public Service Official Languages Exclusion Approval Order. HRB Ongoing
Prepare a status report on section 41 implementation and send it to the Official Languages Champion to report to the Executive Council. OLAD Annually (See also section 7.1)

Nathalie G. Drouin, Ad. E.
Deputy Minister of Justice and Deputy Attorney General of Canada

Isabelle T. Jacques
Assistant Deputy Minister, Central Agencies Portfolio, and Official Languages Champion

Department of Justice Canada