The Concepts of Habitual Residence and Ordinary Residence in Light of Quebec Civil Law, the Divorce Act and the Hague Conventions of 1980 and 1996
Prepared by:
Gérald Goldstein
LL.D., Full Professor
Faculty of Law, Univ. de Montréal
Presented to:
Family, Children and Youth Section
Department of Justice Canada
The views expressed in this report are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Justice Canada.
This paper was written in French under the title, Les notions de résidence habituelle et de résidence ordinaire à la lueur du droit civil québécois, de la Loi sur le divorce et des Conventions de La Haye de 1980 et de 1996.
This translation was commissioned by the Department of Justice Canada.
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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada,
represented by the Minister of Justice and
Attorney General of Canada, 2006
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