Indigenous People in Criminal Court in Canada: An Exploration Using the Relative Rate Index

Annex 3. Graphical Summary of Key Findings

Indigenous accused relative to White accused (average RRI, shown as a +/- %) at different court stages/decision points in the criminal court process, Canada, 2005-06 to 2015-16

Indigenous accused relative to White accused (RRI, shown as a +/- %) at different court stages/decision points in the criminal court process, Canada, 2005-06 to 2015-16

Indigenous accused relative to White accused (average RRI, shown as a +/- %) at different court stages/decision points in the criminal court process, Canada, 2005-06 to 2015-16 – Text version

This is a bar graph with vertical columns above and below the axis line. The x-axis indicates “preliminary hearing”, “trial”, “guilty”, “custody”, and “2+ years term”.

The y-axis indicates percentages from -40% to 40% rising in multiples of ten.

The black horizontal line at 0% indicates “white”

The columns indicate “Indigenous”.

The first column above “preliminary hearing” rises to +36%.

The second column above “trial” falls below the black line to -20%.

The third column above “guilty” rises to +14%.

The fourth column above “custody” rises to +30%.

The last column above “2+ years term” falls to -31%.